Effective 5/4/2022 67-19a-401. Time limits for submission and advancement of grievance by aggrieved employee — Voluntary termination of employment — Group grievances. (1) An aggrieved career service employee and the person to whom the grievance is directed may agree in writing to waive or extend grievance steps specified under Subsection 67-19a-402(1), (2), or (3) or […]
Effective 5/8/2018 67-19a-402. Procedural steps to be followed by aggrieved employee. (1) (a) Subject to the provisions and levels of procedure provided in Section 67-19a-302, a career service employee who has a grievance shall submit the grievance in writing to: (i) the employee’s supervisor; and (ii) the administrator. (b) Within five working days after receiving […]
Effective 5/8/2018 67-19a-402.5. Procedural steps to be followed by reporting employee alleging retaliatory action. (1) A reporting employee who desires to assert an administrative grievance of retaliatory action: (a) shall submit the grievance in writing within 30 days after the day on which the retaliatory action occurs; (b) is not required to comply with Section […]
67-19a-403. Advancement of grievance to administrator — Initial hearing. (1) At any time after a career service employee submits a written grievance to the administrator under Subsection 67-19a-402(4), the administrator may attempt to settle the grievance informally by conference, conciliation, and persuasion with the employee and the agency. (2) (a) When an employee advances a […]
67-19a-404. Evidentiary hearing. (1) If the administrator determines that the office has authority to review the grievance, the administrator shall: (a) appoint a hearing officer to adjudicate the grievance; and (b) set a date for the evidentiary hearing that is either: (i) not later than 30 days after the date the administrator determines that the […]
67-19a-405. Prehearing conference. (1) The administrator may require the presence of each party, the representatives of each party, and other designated persons at a prehearing conference. (2) At the conference, the administrator may require the parties to: (a) identify which allegations are admitted and which allegations are denied; (b) submit a joint statement detailing: (i) […]
Effective 5/8/2018 67-19a-406. Procedural steps to be followed by aggrieved employee — Hearing before hearing officer — Evidentiary and procedural rules. (1) (a) The administrator shall record the hearing and preserve the record. (b) The recording of the proceedings and all exhibits, briefs, motions, and pleadings received by the hearing officer are the official record […]