Effective 5/14/2019 67-4-1. Duties. (1) The state treasurer shall: (a) receive and maintain custody of all state funds; (b) unless otherwise provided by law, invest all funds delivered into the state treasurer’s custody according to the procedures and requirements of Title 51, Chapter 7, State Money Management Act; (c) pay warrants drawn by the Division […]
67-4-10. Official bond. (1) The state treasurer, within 30 days after taking office, shall give to the state a surety-company bond in a sum to be determined by the State Money Management Council. (2) The state shall pay the premium of the surety-company bond. Amended by Chapter 14, 1998 General Session
67-4-11. Delict of treasurer — Duties of auditor and governor — Suspension. (1) The state auditor shall notify the governor if the state auditor examines the books of the state treasurer, and finds that: (a) the books do not correspond with the amount of funds on hand; (b) the books do not show the actual […]
67-4-15. Insurance protection for funds, warrants and securities. The state treasurer shall procure such insurance protecting the funds, warrants and securities in his custody against loss from such causes and in such amounts as the Commission of Finance may from time to time determine. The cost of such insurance shall be paid out of the […]
Effective 7/1/2021 67-4-16. State financial advisor — Duties — Conflict of interest restrictions. (1) The state treasurer may hire a state financial advisor on a fee-for-service basis. (2) The state financial advisor shall advise the state treasurer, the executive director of the Governor’s Office of Planning and Budget, the director of the Division of Finance, […]
67-4-17. Federal/state cash transfers. (1) (a) The state treasurer and the Division of Finance shall enter into an agreement with the United States Secretary of the Treasury that establishes procedures and requirements for implementing the United States Cash Management Improvement Act of 1990. (b) The agreement shall stipulate that: (i) the time elapsed between the […]
67-4-3. Warrants upon state treasurer — Legislative policy. It is the legislative purpose in the enactment of this measure to make uniform the laws of the state of Utah with respect to the preparation, issuance and drawing of warrants upon the state treasurer. No Change Since 1953