Effective 5/4/2022 67-5-1. General duties. (1) The attorney general shall: (a) perform all duties in a manner consistent with the attorney-client relationship under Section 67-5-17; (b) except as provided in Sections 10-3-928 and 17-18a-403, attend the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals of this state, and all courts of the United States, and prosecute […]
Effective 5/4/2022 67-5-1.1. Written opinion to the Legislature — Rebuttable presumption. (1) When the Legislature or either house requests the attorney general’s written legal opinion in accordance with Subsection 67-5-1(1)(g): (a) the attorney general shall, applying concepts from the Rules of Professional Conduct contained in the Supreme Court Rules of Professional Practice, identify any potential […]
Effective 5/12/2020 67-5-1.2. Local investigation assistance. The attorney general may: (1) assist or intervene in a local investigation only if: (a) the local law enforcement agency requests assistance; or (b) the county or district attorney requests assistance; and (2) provide Rapid DNA assistance for a local investigation in accordance with Section 53-10-403.6 upon request of […]
Effective 5/4/2022 67-5-1.5. Special duties — Employment of staff. (1) The attorney general may undertake special duties and projects as follows: (a) employment of child protection services investigators under Section 67-5-16; (b) administration of the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force under Section 67-5-20; (c) administration of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Unit under […]
67-5-10. Career status attorneys as full-time employees — Completion of outside law practice. (1) Attorneys in a career status shall be full-time employees and shall not engage in the private practice of law and shall not receive any fee for legal services rendered to any person, corporation, partnership, or other legal entity other than the […]
Effective 7/1/2021 67-5-11. Employee accepting appointment to state position exempt from merit provisions — Reinstatement in career status. (1) An employee in a career status accepting appointment to a position in state government which is exempt from the merit provisions of Title 63A, Chapter 17, Utah State Personnel Management Act, shall notify the attorney general […]
67-5-12. Dismissal of career status employees — Causes — Procedure — Retention roster — Reappointment register. (1) (a) Employees in a career status may be dismissed only: (i) to advance the good of public service; (ii) where funds have expired or work no longer exists; or (iii) for any of the following causes or reasons: […]
67-5-13. Limitations on political activities by career status employees. (1) An employee in a career status may not, while in a pay status, be a state or federal officer in any partisan political party organization or in any statewide partisan political campaign. The employee, however, may be an officer or delegate in a partisan political […]
67-5-15. Records of the attorney general. (1) A record provided to the Office of the Attorney General by a client governmental entity shall be considered a record of the client governmental entity for purposes of Title 63G, Chapter 2, Government Records Access and Management Act, if the client governmental entity retains a copy of the […]
Effective 9/1/2022 67-5-16. Child protective services investigators within attorney general’s office — Authority — Training. (1) The attorney general may employ, with the consent of the Division of Child and Family Services within the Department of Human Services, and in accordance with Section 80-2-703, child protective services investigators to investigate alleged instances of abuse or […]
67-5-17. Attorney-client relationship. (1) When representing the governor, lieutenant governor, auditor, or treasurer, or when representing an agency under the supervision of any of those officers, the attorney general shall: (a) keep the officer or the officer’s designee reasonably informed about the status of a matter and promptly comply with reasonable requests for information; (b) […]
67-5-20. Internet crimes against children — Education programs. (1) (a) The attorney general may assist in efforts to prevent and prosecute Internet crimes against children, including working with other agencies of state and local government. (b) Under Subsection (1)(a), the attorney general may administer the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, which is a statewide […]
67-5-21. Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) unit creation — Duties — Employment of staff. (1) There is created within the Office of the Attorney General the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) unit to investigate and prosecute cases involving child pornography and cases involving enticing minors over the Internet into illegal sexual acts. (2) The attorney […]
67-5-22.7. Multi-agency strike force to combat violent and other major felony crimes associated with illegal immigration and human trafficking — Fraudulent Documents Identification Unit. (1) The Office of the Attorney General is authorized to administer and coordinate the operation of a multi-agency strike force to combat violent and other major felony crimes committed within the […]
Effective 5/9/2017 67-5-23. Use of state vehicles for law enforcement officers. Subject to rules adopted by the Division of Fleet Operations under Section 63A-9-401, the attorney general may authorize a law enforcement officer, as defined in Section 53-13-103, who is an employee of the Office of the Attorney General to use a state issued vehicle […]
Effective 5/12/2020 67-5-24. Attorney General Crime and Violence Prevention Fund — Use of money — Restrictions — Volunteer task force — Staff. (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund known as the Attorney General Crime and Violence Prevention Fund. (2) The fund shall consist of: (a) appropriations by the Legislature; (b) gifts, grants, […]
67-5-27. Real estate fraud prosecutor. (1) The state attorney general shall employ an attorney licensed to practice law in Utah who: (a) has knowledge of the law related to mortgage fraud; and (b) preferably also has background or expertise in investigating and prosecuting mortgage fraud. (2) The primary responsibility of the attorney employed under Subsection […]
67-5-28. Memorandum of Understanding regarding enforcement of federal immigration laws — Communications regarding immigration status — Private cause of action. (1) The attorney general shall negotiate the terms of a Memorandum of Understanding between the state and the United States Department of Justice or the United States Department of Homeland Security as provided in 8 […]
67-5-29. Duty to file legal actions. (1) The attorney general may file an action to enforce the Utah Enabling Act, Section 9. (2) In accordance with Title 78B, Chapter 6, Particular Proceedings, the attorney general shall file an eminent domain action or quiet title action on property possessed by the federal government: (a) (i) that […]
Effective 5/8/2018 67-5-3. “Agency” defined — Performance of legal services for agencies — Billing. (1) As used in this act, “agency” means a department, division, agency, commission, board, council, committee, authority, institution, other entity within the state government of Utah, or a large public transit district as defined in Section 17B-2a-802. (2) (a) The attorney […]