Effective 5/9/2017 69-5-201. Applicability. An owner or operator of a multi-line telephone system is required to comply with this chapter if, after July 1, 2017, the owner: (1) upgrades an existing multi-line telephone system; or (2) installs a new multi-line telephone system. Enacted by Chapter 200, 2017 General Session
Effective 5/9/2017 69-5-202. Location identification information shared with public safety answering point. An owner or operator of a multi-line telephone system shall configure the multi-line telephone system in such a manner that, when an individual makes a 911 call using the multi-line telephone system, the multi-line telephone system automatically provides the public safety answering point […]
Effective 5/9/2017 69-5-203. Emergency location information for a lodging establishment. A lodging establishment that owns or operates a multi-line telephone system shall configure the multi-line telephone system in such a manner that, when an individual makes a 911 call through the multi-line telephone system, the multi-line telephone system will automatically: (1) send the public safety […]
Effective 5/9/2017 69-5-204. Location database — Updates. (1) An owner or operator of a multi-line telephone system shall ensure that the multi-line telephone system has a location database that stores the information a multi-line telephone system is required to provide to a public safety answering point under this chapter that is accurately updated: (a) as […]
Effective 5/9/2017 69-5-205. Direct 911 dial for multi-line telephone systems — Notice. (1) An owner or operator of a multi-line telephone system shall configure a multi-line telephone system in a manner that allows an individual to place a 911 call by dialing the digits 9-1-1 without an additional code, digit, prefix, postfix, or trunk-access code. […]