71-11-10. Hobby promotion — Sales of articles manufactured by residents — Proceeds to residents. (1) Each home shall promote hobbies designed to improve the general welfare and mental condition of the residents. (2) The home may provide limited funds to initiate a hobby program, but shall limit the program to those hobbies that, in its […]
Effective 5/8/2018 71-11-2. Definitions — Utah Veterans Nursing Home Act. As used in this chapter: (1) “Administrator” means a Veterans Nursing Home Administrator selected in accordance with Section 71-11-5. (2) “Board” means any Veterans Nursing Home Advisory Board. (3) “Department” means the Department of Veterans and Military Affairs created in Section 71-8-2. (4) “Executive director” […]
Effective 5/8/2018 71-11-3. Establishment and construction — Compliance with federal requirements. (1) The department shall administer veterans nursing homes established by the Legislature. (2) Each home shall: (a) have at least an 80-bed capacity; (b) be designed and constructed consistent with the requirements for federal funding under 38 U.S.C. Sec. 8131 et seq.; and (c) […]
Effective 5/8/2018 71-11-4. Administration by department. The department shall supervise and operate each veterans nursing home. Amended by Chapter 39, 2018 General Session
Effective 5/8/2018 71-11-5. Operation of homes — Rulemaking authority — Selection of administrator. (1) The department shall, subject to the approval of the executive director: (a) establish appropriate criteria for the admission and discharge of residents for each home, subject to the requirements in Section 71-11-6 and criteria set by the United States Department of […]
Effective 5/10/2016 71-11-6. Eligibility — Admission requirements. (1) Application for admission shall be made separately to each nursing home administrator. (2) Veterans and their spouses or surviving spouses who are residents of Utah, meet federal eligibility requirements, and are in need of nursing home care may be admitted to any home. (3) Preference shall be […]
Effective 5/8/2018 71-11-7. Veterans nursing home advisory boards. (1) Each home shall have a nursing home advisory board to act as a liaison between the residents, members of the public, and the administration of the home. (2) Each board shall consist of at least seven, but no more than 11, members appointed as follows by […]
Effective 5/8/2018 71-11-8. Utah Veterans Nursing Home Fund. (1) There is created an expendable special revenue fund entitled the “Utah Veterans Nursing Home Fund” to be administered by the department for the benefit of each home and its residents. (2) All cash donations, gifts, or bequests shall be deposited in the fund and used according […]
71-11-9. Disposition of deceased resident’s property. (1) (a) All money or other personal property of a resident held by a home that is left on the premises of the home shall, upon the death of the resident, be held in trust to be paid or delivered to the spouse, children, grandchildren, or parent of the […]