73-19-10. Errors in copying not to invalidate ratification. Any errors, if any, in copying the original compact in Section 73-19-7 hereof shall be held not to invalidate the ratification of the compact in any manner whatsoever. Enacted by Chapter 177, 1963 General Session
73-19-6. Ratification. The Columbia Interstate Compact entered into at Portland, Oregon, on the 8th day of October, 1962, by the Columbia River Basin states, namely Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming, by the representatives of those states with the approval of the representative of the United States of America is unconditionally ratified, approved […]
73-19-7. Text of compact. The text of said compact is as follows: ARTICLE I — PURPOSES The purposes of this compact with respect to the land and water resources of the Columbia River Basin are: A. To facilitate and promote their orderly, integrated and comprehensive development, use, conservation and control for various purposes. B. To […]
73-19-8. Original compact — Act as ratifying. The compact ratified by this act is the original signed by the commissioners representing the states of Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming and approved by the representative of the United States of America and deposited in the archives of the Department of State of the […]
73-19-9. Utah representative on Columbia Compact Commission. The member of the Columbia Compact Commission to represent the state of Utah shall be the executive director of the Utah water and power board. Enacted by Chapter 177, 1963 General Session