Effective 7/1/2021 75-1-401. Notice — Method and time of giving. (1) If notice of a hearing on any petition is required and except for specific notice requirements as otherwise provided, the petitioner shall cause notice of the time and place of hearing of any petition to be given to any interested person or the person’s […]
75-1-402. Notice — Waiver. A person, including a guardian ad litem, conservator, or other fiduciary, may waive notice by a writing signed by him or his attorney and filed in the proceeding. If there is no conflict of interest and no conservator or guardian has been appointed, a parent may waive notice for his minor […]
75-1-403. Pleadings — Notice. In formal proceedings involving inter vivos or testamentary trusts, including proceedings to modify or terminate a trust, estates of decedents, minors, protected persons, or incapacitated persons, and in judicially supervised settlements, the following apply: (1) Interests to be affected shall be described in pleadings which give reasonable information to owners by […]
75-1-404. Publication in newspapers. Newspapers shall publish all notices of proceedings under the code under the heading “Probate, Guardianship, Conservator and Trust Notices. Consult clerk of the court or the respective signers for further information.” These notices shall be published as often during the prescribed period as the paper is regularly issued, unless otherwise provided […]