75-3-401. Formal testacy proceedings — Nature — When commenced. (1) A formal testacy proceeding is litigation to determine whether a decedent left a valid will. A formal testacy proceeding may be commenced by an interested person filing a petition as described in Subsection 75-3-402(1) in which he requests that the court, after notice and hearing, […]
Effective 5/9/2017 75-3-402. Formal testacy or appointment proceedings — Petition — Contents. (1) Petitions for formal probate of a will, or for adjudication of intestacy with or without request for appointment of a personal representative, shall be directed to the court, request a judicial order after notice and hearing, and contain further statements as indicated […]
75-3-403. Formal testacy proceeding — Notice of hearing on petition. (1) Upon commencement of a formal testacy proceeding, the court shall fix a time and place of hearing. Notice shall be given in the manner prescribed by Section 75-1-401 by the petitioner to the persons herein enumerated and to any additional person who has filed […]
75-3-404. Formal testacy proceedings — Written objections to probate. Any party to a formal proceeding who opposes the probate of a will for any reason shall state in his pleadings his objections to probate of the will. Enacted by Chapter 150, 1975 General Session
75-3-405. Formal testacy proceedings — Uncontested cases — Hearings and proof. If a petition in a testacy proceeding is unopposed, the court may order probate or intestacy on the strength of the pleadings if satisfied that the conditions of Section 75-3-409 have been met or conduct a hearing in open court and require proof of […]
75-3-406. Formal testacy proceedings — Contested cases — Testimony of attesting witnesses. (1) If evidence concerning execution of an attested will which is not self-proved is necessary in contested cases, the testimony of at least one of the attesting witnesses, if within the state, competent, and able to testify, is required. Due execution of an […]
75-3-407. Formal testacy proceedings — Burdens in contested cases. (1) In contested cases, petitioners who seek to establish intestacy have the burden of establishing prima facie proof of death, venue, and heirship. Proponents of a will have the burden of establishing prima facie proof of due execution in all cases, and if they are also […]
75-3-408. Formal testacy proceedings — Will construction — Effect of final order in another jurisdiction. A final order of a court of another state determining testacy, the validity, or construction of a will, made in a proceeding involving notice to and an opportunity for contest by all interested persons must be accepted as determinative by […]
75-3-409. Formal testacy proceedings — Order — Foreign will. After the time required for any notice has expired, upon proof of notice, and after any hearing that may be necessary, if the court finds that the testator is dead, venue is proper and that the proceeding was commenced within the limitation prescribed by Section 75-3-107, […]
75-3-410. Formal testacy proceedings — Probate of more than one instrument. If two or more instruments are offered for probate before a final order is entered in a formal testacy proceeding, more than one instrument may be probated if neither expressly revokes the other or contains provisions which work a total revocation by implication. If […]
75-3-411. Formal testacy proceedings — Partial intestacy. If it becomes evident in the course of a formal testacy proceeding that, though one or more instruments are entitled to be probated, the decedent’s estate is or may be partially intestate, the court shall enter an order to that effect. Enacted by Chapter 150, 1975 General Session
75-3-412. Formal testacy proceedings — Effect of order — Vacation. (1) Subject to appeal and subject to vacation as provided in this section and in Section 75-3-413, a formal testacy order under this part, including an order that the decedent left no valid will and determining heirs, is final as to all persons with respect […]
75-3-413. Formal testacy proceedings — Vacation of order for other cause. For good cause shown, an order in a formal testacy proceeding may be modified or vacated within the time allowed for appeal. Enacted by Chapter 150, 1975 General Session
75-3-414. Formal proceedings concerning appointment of personal representative. (1) A formal proceeding for adjudication regarding the priority or qualification of one who is an applicant for appointment as personal representative, or of one who previously has been appointed personal representative in informal proceedings, if an issue concerning the testacy of the decedent is or may […]