75-6-102. Ownership as between parties and others — Protection of financial institutions. The provisions of Sections 75-6-103 through 75-6-105 concerning beneficial ownership as between parties, or as between parties and P.O.D. payees or beneficiaries of multiple-party accounts, are relevant only to controversies between these persons and their creditors and other successors, and have no bearing […]
75-6-103. Ownership during lifetime. (1) A joint account belongs, during the lifetime of all parties, to the parties in proportion to the net contributions by each to the sums on deposit, unless there is clear and convincing evidence of a different intent. (2) A P.O.D. account belongs to the original payee during his lifetime and […]
Effective 5/5/2021 75-6-104. Right of survivorship. (1) (a) Sums remaining on deposit at the death of a party to a joint account belong to the surviving party or parties as against the estate of the decedent unless there is clear and convincing evidence of a different intention. (b) A financial institution may rely on the […]
75-6-105. Effect of written notice to financial institution. The provisions of Section 75-6-104 as to rights of survivorship are determined by the form of the account at the death of a party. This form may be altered by written order given by a party to the financial institution to change the form of the account […]
75-6-106. Accounts and transfers nontestamentary. Any transfers resulting from the application of Section 75-6-104 are effective by reason of the account contracts involved and this statute and are not to be considered as testamentary or subject to Chapter 1, General Provisions, Definitions, and Probate Jurisdiction of Court, Chapter 2, Intestate Succession and Wills, Chapter 3, […]
75-6-107. Rights of creditors. No multiple-party account will be effective against an estate of a deceased party to transfer to a survivor sums needed to pay debts, taxes, and expenses of administration, including statutory allowances to the surviving spouse, minor children and dependent children, if other assets of the estate are insufficient. A surviving party, […]
75-6-108. Financial institution protection — Payment on signature of one party. Financial institutions may enter into multiple-party accounts to the same extent that they may enter into single-party accounts. Any multiple-party account may be paid, on request, to any one or more of the parties. A financial institution shall not be required to inquire as […]
75-6-109. Financial institution protection — Payment after death or disability — Joint account. Any sums in a joint account may be paid, on request, to any party without regard to whether any other party is incapacitated or deceased at the time the payment is demanded; but payment may not be made to the personal representative […]
75-6-110. Financial institution protection — Payment of P.O.D. account. Any P.O.D. account may be paid, on request, to any original party to the account. Payment may be made, on request, to the P.O.D. payee or to the personal representative or heirs of a deceased P.O.D. payee upon presentation to the financial institution of proof of […]
75-6-111. Financial institution protection — Payment of trust account. Any trust account may be paid, on request, to any trustee. Unless the financial institution has received written notice that the beneficiary has a vested interest not dependent upon his surviving the trustee, payment may be made to the personal representative or heirs of a deceased […]
75-6-112. Financial institution protection — Discharge. Payment made pursuant to Section 75-6-108, 75-6-109, 75-6-110 or 75-6-111 discharges the financial institution from all claims for amounts so paid whether or not the payment is consistent with the beneficial ownership of the account as between parties, P.O.D. payees, or beneficiaries, or their successors. The protection here given […]
75-6-113. Financial institution protection — Setoff — Attachment, garnishment, and other legal process. (1) Without qualifying any other statutory right to setoff or lien and subject to any contractual provision, if a party to a multiple-party account is indebted to a financial institution, the financial institution has a right to setoff against the balance in […]
75-6-114. Financial institution protection — Costs and attorneys’ fees. A financial institution shall have a lien for its costs and attorneys’ fees on the sums on deposit in any multiple-party account in such institution which becomes the subject of any litigation as to the rights to such sums. This lien shall attach only if the […]
75-6-115. Agency accounts. Nothing in this chapter shall preclude a party to an account from adding the name of another person to such an account with the designation “agent.” This agent shall have no present or future interest in the sums on deposit in such account, but the financial institution may honor requests for payment […]