Effective 5/9/2017 75-7-301. Basic effect. (1) Notice to a person who may represent and bind another person under this part has the same effect as if notice were given directly to the other person. (2) The consent of a person who may represent and bind another person under this part is binding on the person […]
75-7-302. Representation by holder of general testamentary power of appointment. To the extent there is no conflict of interest between the holder of a general testamentary power of appointment and the persons represented with respect to the particular question or dispute, the holder may represent and bind persons whose interests, as permissible appointees, takers in […]
75-7-303. Representation by fiduciaries and parents. To the extent there is no conflict of interest between the representative and the person represented or among those being represented with respect to a particular question or dispute: (1) a conservator may represent and bind the protected person whose estate the conservator controls; (2) a guardian may represent […]
75-7-304. Representation by person having substantially identical interest. Unless otherwise represented, a minor, incapacitated, or unborn individual, or a person whose identity or location is unknown and not reasonably ascertainable, may be represented by and bound by another having a substantially identical interest with respect to the particular question or dispute, but only to the […]
75-7-305. Appointment of guardian ad litem or other representative. (1) If the court determines that an interest is not represented under this part, or that the otherwise available representation might be inadequate, the court may appoint a guardian ad litem or other representative to receive notice, give consent, and otherwise represent, bind, and act on […]