76-10-1002. Forging or counterfeiting trademark, trade name or trade device. Every person who willfully forges or counterfeits, or procures to be forged or counterfeited, any trademark, trade name, or trade device, usually affixed by any person, or by any association or union of workingmen, to his or its goods, which has been filed with the […]
76-10-1003. Selling goods under counterfeited trademark, trade name or trade device. Every person who sells or keeps for sale any goods upon or to which any counterfeited trademark, trade name, or trade device has been affixed, after it has been filed with the Division of Corporations and Commercial Code, intending to represent the goods as […]
76-10-1004. Sales in containers bearing registered trademark of substituted articles. Every person who has or uses any container or similar article bearing or having in any way connected with it the registered trademark of another for the purpose of disposing, with intent to deceive or defraud, of any article or substance other than that which […]
76-10-1005. Using, destroying, concealing or possessing articles with registered trademark or service mark to deprive owner of use or possession — Exception. Every person who, without the consent of the owner of an article bearing the owner’s validly registered trademark or service mark, uses, destroys, conceals, or possesses the article or who defaces or otherwise […]
76-10-1006. Selling or dealing with articles bearing registered trademark or service mark with intent to defraud. Every person who, without the consent of the owner of an article bearing the owner’s validly registered trademark or service mark, knowingly sells or traffics in the articles or who withholds the articles from the owner thereof with intent […]
76-10-1007. Use of registered trademark without consent. Every person who adopts or in any way uses the registered trademark of another without the consent of the owner thereof, is guilty of a class B misdemeanor. Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session
76-10-1008. Inspections by trade commission. Subject to the provisions of Section 76-10-1009 of this part, the Utah State Trade Commission may, for purposes of enforcement of this part, inspect the premises of any business operating in this state during regular business hours. Amended by Chapter 20, 1995 General Session
76-10-1009. Violation as unfair trade practice and unfair competition — Investigation and enforcement proceedings by trade commission. Violation of a provision of this part is hereby declared to be an unfair trade practice and an unfair method of competition. The Utah state trade commission shall have jurisdiction over violations and may proceed against a violator […]
76-10-1010. Action by law enforcement agencies on complaints. Nothing in this part providing for enforcement by the trade commission shall be construed to deprive law enforcement agencies from assuming jurisdiction and acting upon a proper complaint as provided by law. Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session