76-8-802. Destruction of property to interfere with preparation for defense or war. Whoever intentionally destroys, impairs, injures, interferes, or tampers with real or personal property with reasonable grounds to believe that the act will hinder, delay, or interfere with the preparation of the United States or of any of the states for defense or for […]
76-8-803. Causing or omitting to note defects in articles used in preparation for defense or war. Whoever intentionally makes or causes to be made or omits to note on inspection any defect in any article or thing with reasonable grounds to believe that the article or thing is intended to be used in connection with […]
76-8-804. Attempts to commit crimes of sabotage. Whoever attempts to commit any of the crimes defined by this part shall be punishable for the attempt as prescribed in Section 76-4-102. In addition to the acts which constitute an attempt to commit crime under the law of this state, the solicitation or incitement of another to […]
76-8-805. Conspiracy to commit crimes of sabotage. If two or more persons conspire to commit any crime defined by this part each of the persons is guilty of conspiracy and subject to the same punishment as if he had committed the crime which he conspired to commit, whether or not any act be done in […]
76-8-806. Facts kept secret until complaint filed. A person may not make public any evidence of fact or the name of the person accused of violating the provisions of Sections 76-8-802, 76-8-803, 76-8-804, and 76-8-805 prior to the filing of a formal complaint by the prosecuting attorney or committing magistrate charged with the performance of […]
76-8-807. Posting of signs at war or defense facilities — Entering posted premises without permission. (1) Any individual, partnership, association, corporation, municipal corporation, or state or any political subdivision thereof engaged in, or preparing to engage in, the manufacture, transportation or storage of any product to be used in the preparation of the United States […]
76-8-808. Detention and arrest without warrant of unauthorized persons on posted premises. Any peace officer or any person employed as watchman, guard, or in a supervisory capacity on premises posted as provided in Section 76-8-807 may stop any person found on any premises to which entry without permission is forbidden by Section 76-8-807 and may […]
Effective 5/5/2021 76-8-809. Closing or restricting use of highways abutting defense or war facilities — Posting of notices. Any individual, partnership, association, corporation, municipal corporation or state or any political subdivision thereof engaged in or preparing to engage in the manufacture, transportation or storage of any product to be used in the preparation of the […]
76-8-810. Violation of order relating to use of highways — Classification of offense. Whoever violates any order made under the immediate preceding section shall be guilty of a class C misdemeanor. Enacted by Chapter 196, 1973 General Session
76-8-811. Bargaining rights of employees not impaired by sabotage prevention laws. Nothing in this part shall be construed to impair, curtail, or destroy the rights of employees and their representatives to self organize, to form, join, or assist labor organizations, to bargain collectively through representatives of their own choosing, and to engage in concerted activities, […]