78A-7-101. Creation of justice court — Not of record — Classes of justice. (1) Under Article VIII, Section 1, Utah Constitution, there is created a court not of record known as the justice court. The judges of this court are justice court judges. (2) Justice courts shall be divided into the following classes: (a) Class […]
Effective 5/8/2018 78A-7-102. Establishment of justice courts. (1) (a) As used in this section, to “create a justice court” means to: (i) establish a justice court; or (ii) establish a justice court under Title 11, Chapter 13, Interlocal Cooperation Act. (b) For the purposes of this section, if more than one municipality or county is […]
Effective 5/14/2019 78A-7-103. Minimum standards of justice courts — Authority of Judicial Council over justice courts. The Judicial Council shall ensure that: (1) procedures include requirements that every municipality or county that establishes or maintains a justice court provide for the following minimum operating standards: (a) a system to ensure the justice court records all […]
Effective 5/4/2022 78A-7-105. Jurisdiction of a county justice court. (1) (a) The territorial jurisdiction of a county justice court extends to the limits of the precinct for which the justice court is created and includes all municipalities within the precinct, other than a municipality where a municipal justice court exists. (b) Subject to Subsection (1)(c), […]
Affected by 63I-1-278 on 7/1/2024 Effective 7/1/2022 78A-7-106. Jurisdiction. (1) (a) Except for an offense for which the district court has original jurisdiction under Subsection 78A-5-102(8) or an offense for which the juvenile court has original jurisdiction under Subsection 78A-6-103(1)(c), a justice court has original jurisdiction over class B and C misdemeanors, violation of ordinances, […]
Effective 11/16/2021 78A-7-118. Appeals from justice court — Trial or hearing de novo in district court. (1) In a criminal case, a defendant is entitled to a trial de novo in the district court only if the defendant files a notice of appeal within 28 days of: (a) sentencing, except as provided in Subsection (4)(b); […]
Effective 7/1/2022 78A-7-120. Disposition of fines. (1) (a) Except as otherwise specified by this section, fines and forfeitures collected by a justice court shall be remitted as follows: (i) 50% to the treasurer of the local government responsible for the court; and (ii) 50% to the treasurer of the local government which prosecutes or which […]
78A-7-121. Funds collected — Deposits and reports — Special account — Accounting. (1) (a) Justice courts shall deposit public funds in accordance with Section 51-4-2. (b) The city or county treasurer shall report to the city recorder or county auditor, as appropriate, the sums collected and deposited. The recorder or auditor shall then apportion and […]
Effective 7/1/2020 78A-7-122. Security surcharge — Application — Deposit in restricted accounts. (1) In addition to any fine, penalty, forfeiture, or other surcharge, a security surcharge of $60 shall be assessed on all convictions for offenses listed in the uniform bail schedule adopted by the Judicial Council and moving traffic violations. (2) The security surcharge […]
78A-7-123. Dissolution of justice courts. (1) (a) The county or municipality shall obtain legislative approval to dissolve a justice court if the caseload from that court would fall to the district court upon dissolution. (b) To obtain approval of the Legislature, the governing authority of the municipality or county shall petition the Legislature to adopt […]