78B-15-301. Declaration of paternity. The mother of a child and a man claiming to be the genetic father of the child may sign a declaration of paternity to establish the paternity of the child. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
78B-15-302. Execution of declaration of paternity. (1) A declaration of paternity must: (a) be in a record; (b) be signed, or otherwise authenticated, under penalty of perjury, by the mother and by the declarant father; (c) be signed by the birth mother and declarant father in the presence of two witnesses who are not related […]
78B-15-303. Denial of paternity. A presumed or declarant father may sign a denial of his paternity. The denial is valid only if: (1) a declaration of paternity signed, or otherwise authenticated, by another man is filed pursuant to Section 78B-15-305; (2) the denial is in a form prescribed by and filed with the Office of […]
78B-15-304. Rules for declaration and denial of paternity. (1) A declaration of paternity and a denial of paternity shall be contained in a single document. If the declaration and denial are both necessary, neither is valid until both are signed and filed. (2) A declaration of paternity or a denial of paternity may not be […]
78B-15-305. Effect of declaration or denial of paternity. (1) Except as otherwise provided in Sections 78B-15-306 and 78B-15-307, a valid declaration of paternity filed with the Office of Vital Records is equivalent to a legal finding of paternity of a child and confers upon the declarant father all of the rights and duties of a […]
78B-15-306. Proceeding for rescission. (1) A signatory may rescind a declaration of paternity or denial of paternity by filing a voluntary rescission document with the Office of Vital Records in a form prescribed by the office before the earlier of: (a) 60 days after the effective date of the declaration or denial, as provided in […]
78B-15-307. Challenge after expiration of period for rescission. (1) After the period for rescission under Section 78B-15-306 has expired, a signatory of a declaration of paternity or denial of paternity, or a support-enforcement agency, may commence a proceeding to challenge the declaration or denial only on the basis of fraud, duress, or material mistake of […]
78B-15-308. Procedure for rescission or challenge. (1) Every signatory to a declaration of paternity and any related denial of paternity must be made a party to a proceeding to rescind or challenge the declaration or denial. (2) For the purpose of rescission of, or challenge to, a declaration of paternity or denial of paternity, a […]
78B-15-309. Ratification barred. A tribunal or administrative agency conducting a judicial or administrative proceeding may not ratify an unchallenged declaration of paternity. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
78B-15-310. Full faith and credit. A tribunal of this state shall give full faith and credit to a declaration of paternity or denial of paternity effective in another state if the declaration or denial has been signed and is otherwise in compliance with the law of the other state. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, […]
78B-15-311. Forms for declaration and denial of paternity and for rescission of paternity. (1) To facilitate compliance with this part, the Office of Vital Records shall prescribe forms for the declaration, denial, and rescission of paternity. (2) A valid declaration of paternity or denial of paternity is not affected by a later modification of the […]
78B-15-312. Release of information. The Office of Vital Records may release information relating to the declaration of paternity or denial of paternity to a signatory of the declaration or denial and to tribunals and federal, tribal, and state support-enforcement agencies of this or another state. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session
78B-15-313. Adoption of rules. The Office of Vital Records may adopt rules in accordance with Title 63G, Chapter 3, Utah Administrative Rulemaking Act, to implement this part. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 3, 2008 General Session