78B-3-601. Purpose. (1) The purpose of this part is to facilitate the compensation of injured parties from financial protection funds established pursuant to the Price Anderson Act, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2210. (2) Nothing in this part may be construed to impose liability for harm from nuclear incidents for which financial protection is not afforded under […]
78B-3-603. Liability imposed and limitations — Defenses — Limitations on damages. (1) Except as provided in this section, any person who owns, holds under license, transports, ships, stores, or disposes of nuclear material is liable, without regard to the conduct of any other person, for harm from nuclear incidents arising in connection with or resulting […]
78B-3-604. Determination of causation — Compensation allowed. (1) Causation of radiological injury from a nuclear incident shall be determined by the trier of fact, taking into account epidemiological studies, statistical probabilities, and other pertinent medical and scientific evidence. (2) A claimant under this part shall be entitled to full compensation of the claimant’s radiological injuries […]