78B-8-502. Legislative findings — Purpose. The Legislature finds that small businesses may be deterred from seeking review of or defending against substantially unjustified governmental action because of the expense involved in securing the vindication of their rights. The purpose of this part is to entitle small businesses, under conditions set forth in this act, to […]
78B-8-503. Definitions. As used in this part: (1) “Prevail” means to obtain favorable final judgment, the right to all appeals having been exhausted, on the merits, on substantially all counts or charges in the action and with respect to the most significant issue or set of issues presented, but does not include the settlement of […]
78B-8-504. Litigation expense award authorized in actions by state. In any civil judicial action commenced by the state, which involves the business regulatory functions of the state, a court may award reasonable litigation expenses to any small business which is a named party in the action if the small business prevails and the court finds […]
78B-8-505. Litigation expense award authorized in appeals from administrative decisions. (1) In any civil judicial appeal taken from an administrative decision regarding a matter in which the administrative action was commenced by the state, and which involves the business regulatory functions of the state, a court may award reasonable litigation expenses to any small business […]
78B-8-506. Payment of expenses awarded — Statement required in agency’s budget. Expenses awarded under this part shall be paid from funds in the regular operating budget of the state entity. If sufficient funds are not available in the budget of the entity, the expenses shall be considered a claim governed by the provisions of Title […]