Effective 9/1/2022 80-4-301. Grounds for termination of parental rights — Findings regarding reasonable efforts by division. (1) Subject to the protections and requirements of Section 80-4-104, and if the juvenile court finds termination of parental rights, from the child’s point of view, is strictly necessary, the juvenile court may terminate all parental rights with respect […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-4-302. Evidence of grounds for termination. (1) In determining whether a parent or parents have abandoned a child, it is prima facie evidence of abandonment that the parent or parents: (a) although having legal custody of the child, have surrendered physical custody of the child, and for a period of six months following […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-4-303. Specific considerations when child is not in physical custody of parent. (1) If a child is not in the physical custody of the child’s parent or parents, the juvenile court, in determining whether parental rights should be terminated, shall consider: (a) the physical, mental, or emotional condition and needs of the child […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-4-304. Specific considerations when child is placed in foster home. If a child is in the custody of the division and has been placed and resides in a foster home and the division institutes proceedings under this chapter regarding the child, with an ultimate goal of having the child’s foster parent or parents […]
Effective 9/1/2022 80-4-305. Court disposition of child upon termination of parental rights — Posttermination reunification. (1) Except as provided in Subsection (7), as used in this section, “relative” means: (a) an adult who is a grandparent, great-grandparent, aunt, great aunt, uncle, great uncle, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepparent, first cousin, sibling, or stepsibling of a child; and […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-4-306. Review following termination. (1) At the conclusion of the hearing in which the juvenile court orders termination of parental rights, the juvenile court shall order that a review hearing be held within 90 days after the day on which parental rights are terminated if the child has not been permanently placed. (2) […]
Effective 5/4/2022 80-4-307. Voluntary relinquishment — Irrevocable. (1) The individual consenting to termination of parental rights or voluntarily relinquishing parental rights shall sign or confirm the consent or relinquishment under oath before: (a) a judge of any court that has jurisdiction over proceedings for termination of parental rights in this state or any other state, […]