Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-601. Minors’ cases considered civil proceedings — Minor not to be charged with crime — Exception for a prior adjudication — Traffic violation cases. (1) Except as provided in Part 5, Transfer to District Court , a proceeding in a minor’s case under this chapter is a civil proceeding with the juvenile court […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-602. Hearings or proceedings for minors — Prosecuting attorney — Order for indigent defense — Custody in the Division of Child and Family Services. (1) In a hearing or proceeding under this chapter, the juvenile court: (a) shall admit any person who has a direct interest in the case; (b) may admit any […]
Effective 5/4/2022 80-6-603. Rights of minors facing delinquency proceedings. (1) If a minor is facing a delinquency proceeding under this chapter, the minor has the right to: (a) appear in person in the proceeding for the petition or the criminal information; (b) defend, in person or by counsel, against the allegations in the petition or […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-604. Victim’s rights — Access to juvenile court records. (1) (a) If a minor is charged in a petition or information under this chapter for an offense that if committed by an adult would be a felony or a class A or class B misdemeanor, a victim of any act charged in the […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-605. Extension of juvenile court jurisdiction — Procedure. (1) At the time that a prosecuting attorney files a petition under Section 80-6-305, or a criminal information under Section 80-6-503, for a felony offense alleged to have been committed by a minor who is 14 years old or older, either party may file a […]
Effective 5/4/2022 80-6-606. Validated risk and needs assessment — Examination of minor or minor’s parent or guardian — Temporary custody or appointment of guardian. (1) (a) If a minor is adjudicated for an offense under this chapter, the minor shall undergo a risk screening or, if indicated, a validated risk and needs assessment. (b) If […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-607. Case planning and appropriate responses. (1) For a minor adjudicated and placed on probation under Section 80-6-702 or committed to the division under Section 80-6-703 , a case plan shall be created and: (a) developed in collaboration with the minor and the minor’s family; (b) individualized to the minor; (c) informed by […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-608. When photographs, fingerprints, or HIV infection tests may be taken — Distribution — DNA collection — Reimbursement. (1) The division shall take a photograph and fingerprints of a minor who is: (a) 14 years old or older at the time of the alleged commission of an offense that would be a felony […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-609. Restraint of a minor. (1) As used in this section, “restrained” means the use of handcuffs, chains, shackles, zip ties, irons, straightjackets, and any other device or method that is used to immobilize a minor. (2) (a) The Judicial Council shall adopt rules that address the circumstances under which a minor may […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-610. Property damage caused by a minor — Liability of parent or guardian. (1) A parent or guardian with legal custody of a minor is liable for damages sustained to property not to exceed $2,000 when: (a) the minor intentionally damages, defaces, destroys, or takes the property of another; (b) the minor recklessly […]