Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-902. Youth court — Authorization — Referral. (1) A minor may serve in a youth court, under the supervision of an adult coordinator, in various capacities within the courtroom, acting in the role of jurors, lawyers, bailiffs, clerks, and judges. (a) A minor who appears before a youth court has been identified by […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-903. Parental involvement — Victims — Restitution. (1) A minor appearing before the youth court shall be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or custodian. (2) A victim shall have the right to attend hearings and be heard. (3) (a) Any restitution due to a victim of an offense shall be made in full […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-904. Dispositions. (1) A youth court may order a disposition for: (a) compensatory service; (b) participation in law-related educational classes, appropriate counseling, treatment, or other educational programs; (c) providing periodic reports to the youth court; (d) participating in mentoring programs; (e) participation by the minor as a member of a youth court; (f) […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-905. Liability. (1) A person associated with the referral, evaluation, adjudication, disposition, or supervision of matters under this part may not be held civilly liable for any injury occurring to a minor performing compensatory service or any other activity associated with a certified youth court, unless the person causing the injury acted in […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-906. Fees. (1) (a) A youth court may require that a minor pay a reasonable fee, not to exceed $50, to participate in the youth court. (b) A fee under Subsection (1) may be reduced or waived by the youth court in exigent circumstances. (c) A fee under Subsection (1) shall be paid […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-907. Youth Court Board — Membership — Responsibilities. (1) The Youth Court Board shall be comprised of the following members: (a) the Utah attorney general or the attorney general’s designee; (b) one prosecuting attorney appointed by the Utah Prosecution Council; (c) one criminal defense attorney appointed by the Utah Association of Criminal Defense […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-908. Establishing a youth court — Sponsoring entity responsibilities. (1) A youth court may be established by a sponsoring entity or by a private nonprofit entity that contracts with a sponsoring entity. (2) The sponsoring entity shall: (a) oversee the formation of the youth court; (b) provide assistance with the application for certification […]
Effective 9/1/2021 80-6-909. School credit. A local school board may provide school credit for participation to a member of a youth court. Renumbered and Amended by Chapter 261, 2021 General Session