§ 4401. Suspension of open season by proclamation of Governor; exception (a) During an open season for the taking of game or fish, when it appears to the Governor that by reason of drought hunting, fishing, and trapping are likely to cause forest fires, he or she may by proclamation suspend hunting, fishing, and trapping […]
§ 4402. Recommendations of Secretary for closed season; proclamation; special season When in the opinion of the Secretary conditions exist that constitute an emergency calling for measures of protection for fish, wildlife, or fur-bearing animals additional to those provided by existing law, the Secretary shall certify the opinion to the Governor and attach therewith a […]
§ 4403. Suspension period A proclamation issued under section 4402 of this title shall continue in force until such date as is specified in the proclamation or until the Governor shall recall it or, if no expiration date is specified or recalling proclamation issued, until, but in no instance beyond, the convening of the next […]
§ 4404. Report of effect of closed season When the fishing or hunting season is wholly or partly closed by such proclamation, the Commissioner shall seasonably report to the Governor upon the effect of such action and the Governor may reopen or extend the season by proclamation for a period not to exceed that for […]
§ 4405. Publication (a) Proclamations made under the provisions of section 4401 or 4402 of this title shall be published in such newspapers of the State and posted in such places and in such manner as the Governor may order. A copy of such publication and order, attested by the Secretary of Civil and Military […]
§ 4406. Violation of closed season; penalty During the time which shall be made a closed season as provided in section 4401 or 4402 of this title, the several provisions of law relating to closed seasons shall be in force and a person violating a provision thereof shall be subjected to the penalty provided for […]