§ 4451. Adoption of Compact The Wildlife Violator Compact is hereby enacted into law and entered into by the State of Vermont with any and all states legally joining therein in accordance with its terms. The Compact is substantially as follows: ARTICLE I Findings, Declaration of Policy and Purpose (a) The party states find that: […]
§ 4452. Compact Administrator The Compact Administrator for Vermont shall be the Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife or a designated representative of the Commissioner. The duties of the Compact Administrator shall be deemed a regular part of the duties of the office of the Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife. (Added 2011, No. 108 (Adj. Sess.), […]
§ 4453. Rulemaking The Department of Fish and Wildlife may adopt rules to carry out the purposes of this chapter. (Added 2011, No. 108 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)
§ 4454. Penalties (a) Notwithstanding section 4502 of this title, the Commissioner may suspend a Vermont hunting, fishing, or trapping license and privileges to obtain such licenses of a person convicted of a wildlife violation in a state party to the Compact, provided that the wildlife violation would have been the basis for suspension of […]
§ 4455. Withdrawal from Compact Withdrawal of Vermont from the Compact, as authorized under Article VIII of the Compact, shall be by an act or resolution of the General Assembly. (Added 2011, No. 108 (Adj. Sess.), § 1.)