§ 4601. Taking fish; possession A person shall not take fish, except in accordance with this part and regulations of the Board, or possess a fish taken in violation of this part or regulations of the Board. (Added 1961, No. 119, § 1, eff. May 9, 1961.)
§ 4602. Unintentional taking; return to water When a fish is unintentionally taken contrary to a provision of this part or of regulations of the Board, such fish shall be immediately liberated and returned to the water from whence taken, without unnecessary injury. The person so returning such fish shall not be subject to the […]
§ 4603. Catch limit; exception When it is unlawful to take more than a specified number of pounds of any fish in one legal day, the taking of one fish additional by a person having less than the number of pounds specified when taken shall not be regarded as a violation of the provision fixing […]
§ 4604. Ice fishing A person who holds a fishing license and a person who is allowed to take fish without such a license shall not take fish through the ice except in accordance with regulations of the Board. (Added 1961, No. 119, § 1, eff. May 9, 1961.)
§ 4605. Placing fish in waters; fish importation permits (a) A person shall not introduce or attempt to introduce any fish into any waters except private ponds lacking access to other waters of the State without a permit issued by the Commissioner under this section or rules adopted by the Commissioner under subsection (c) of […]
§ 4606. Taking fish by unlawful means (a) A person shall not take fish by means of explosives, or use explosives in any waters, or have the same in his or her possession upon any waters, the shores thereof, or islands therein, except for mining or mechanical purposes. (b) A person shall not place in […]
§ 4607. Obstructing streams (a) A person shall not unless authorized by the Commissioner prevent the passing of fish in a stream or the outlet or inlet of a natural or artificial pond on a public stream, by means of a rack, screen, weir, or other obstruction, and shall comply with the terms of the […]
§ 4609. Connecticut River; Lake Champlain (a) Persons holding a New Hampshire fishing license may take fish from the Connecticut River, provided the State of New Hampshire grants the same right to persons holding a Vermont fishing license. Such taking shall be only in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the State of New […]
§ 4611. Sale of fish (a) A person shall not buy or sell a salmon, trout, lake trout, walleye, northern pike, muskellunge, black bass, or any other fish specified by rule by the Board taken in this State, or imported from another state or country where sale of such fish is prohibited, except such fish […]
§ 4612. Fishing houses (a) The owner of a fishing house shall not place the fishing house or cause the same to be placed on the ice covering the waters of this State earlier than November 20 of any year, and then only if his or her name and residence address are permanently and legibly […]
§ 4613. Fishing tournaments (a) No person or organization shall hold a fishing tournament on the waters of the State without first obtaining a permit from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. (b) A fishing tournament means a contest in which anglers pay a fee to enter and in which the entrants compete for a […]
§ 4614. Largest fish; roster (a) The Commissioner may maintain a roster of names of people who have caught the largest of each species of Vermont fish. The roster may include the size and weight of the fish, date and place caught, and any other relevant information. (b) No fish that was confined to an […]
§ 4615. Lead sinkers; sales prohibited It is unlawful to sell or offer for sale a lead sinker in the State of Vermont. In this section, “sinker” means any device which weighs one-half ounce or less and is attached to a fishing line for the purpose of sinking the line, and does not include other […]