§ 4651. Authority The Governor is hereby authorized and directed to execute a Compact on behalf of the State of Vermont with the states of Connecticut, Massachusetts, and New Hampshire and with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service legally joining therein the form substantially as set forth herein. (Added […]
§ 4652. Purposes—Article I The purpose of this Compact is to promote the restoration of Anadromous Atlantic salmon, hereinafter referred to as Atlantic salmon, in the Connecticut River basin by the development of a joint interstate program for stocking, protection, management, research, and regulation. It is the purpose of this Compact to restore Atlantic salmon […]
§ 4653. Effective date—Article II This agreement shall become operative immediately whenever all of the states of Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, and Connecticut have executed it in a form that is in accordance with the laws of the executing state and the Congress has given its consent. (Added 1979, No. 89 (Adj. Sess.).)
§ 4654. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission—Article III Each state joining herein shall appoint two representatives to a commission hereby constituted and designated as the Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission. One shall be the executive officer of the administrative agency of such state charged with the management of the fisheries resources to which this Compact […]
§ 4655. Duties; regulatory and enforcement powers; licenses—Article IV The duty of said Commission shall be to make inquiry and ascertain from time to time such methods, practices, circumstances, and conditions as may be disclosed for bringing about the restoration of Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River and its tributaries. To promote the restoration, preservation, […]
§ 4656. Officers; office; and reimbursement for travel—Article V The Commission shall elect from its number a Chair and a Vice Chair and at its pleasure may remove such officers. Said Commission shall adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its business. At such time as funds are available to the Commission, the Commission […]
§ 4657. Employment and compensation of personnel—Article VI At such time as funds are available, the Commission may employ and discharge at its pleasure such personnel as may be required to carry out the provisions of this Compact and shall fix and determine their duties, qualifications and compensation. (Added 1979, No. 89 (Adj. Sess.).)
§ 4658. Technical committee—Article VII There shall be established a Technical Committee to consist of one fishery biologist from each of the signatory states, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service to act in an advisory capacity to the Commission. The Technical Committee shall have the authority to request employees […]
§ 4659. Majority vote—Article VIII No action shall be taken by the Commission in regard to its general affairs except by affirmative vote of a majority of members present at any meeting. No recommendation or allotment of grant funds shall be made by the Commission except by the affirmative vote of a majority of the […]
§ 4660. Absence of representation—Article IX Continued absence of representation or of any representative on the Commission from any party hereto shall be brought to the attention of the governor thereof. (Added 1979, No. 89 (Adj. Sess.).)
§ 4661. Annual appropriation—Article X The states signatory hereto agree to make an annual appropriation to the initial support of the Commission in the amount of $1,000.00 from the Fish and Wildlife Fund for each of the first three years that this Compact is in effect. (Added 1979, No. 89 (Adj. Sess.).)
§ 4662. Records; examination of accounts—Article XI The Commission shall keep accurate accounts of all receipts and disbursements and shall report to the governor and the legislature of each state party to this Compact on or before the tenth day of January of each year, setting forth in detail the transactions conducted by it during […]