§ 5101. Fish and wildlife; restrictions (a) A person shall not: (1) Transport fish or wildlife taken by another except in the presence of the person who took that fish or wildlife. (2) Transport fish or wildlife during the closed season for the taking of that fish or wildlife. (3) Transport in one day more […]
§ 5102. Common carrier A person while engaged in the business of a common carrier shall not transport as owner fish or game, or receive for transportation or transport fish or game protected by law unless accompanied by the owner thereof and tagged or marked as provided by law, except as otherwise provided. (Added 1961, […]
§ 5103. Marking for transportation Fish, wildlife, and fur-bearing animals, or a package containing the same, if placed in the custody of a common carrier, shall have affixed thereto a tag plainly marked with the name of the consignor and consignee, the kind and number of such game and fur-bearing animals and the kind and […]
§ 5104. Carcass of deer; fish and game imported from without United States or raised on propagation farms (a) The carcass of a deer taken by a resident or by a person as provided in sections 5201 and 5202 of this title, when open to view, may be transported during the time specified in section […]
§ 5105. Conditions precedent to acceptance for transportation A person required to have a license, as provided in section 4251 of this title, who takes fish or wild animals under such a license, if he or she places such fish or wild animals in the custody of a person acting as a common carrier, shall […]
§ 5106. Duties of carriers (a) A person acting as a common carrier so receiving fish or wild animals for shipment shall indorse in ink on the back of the license under which same is to be shipped the name of the station from which the shipment is made, the destination, and the number of […]