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§ 921. Definitions

§ 921. Definitions As used in this subchapter: (1) “Administrative cost” means program and project costs incurred by a clean water service provider or a grantee, including costs to conduct procurement, contract preparation, and monitoring, reporting, and invoicing. (2) “Basin” means a watershed basin designated by the Secretary for use as a planning unit under […]

§ 922. Water quality implementation planning and targets

§ 922. Water quality implementation planning and targets (a) After listing a water as impaired on the list of waters required by 33 U.S.C. § 1313(d), the Secretary shall include in the implementation plan for the water a strategy for returning the water to compliance with the Vermont Water Quality Standards. With respect to a […]

§ 923. Quantification of pollution reduction; clean water projects

§ 923. Quantification of pollution reduction; clean water projects (a) After listing a water as impaired on the list of waters required by 33 U.S.C. § 1313(d), the Secretary shall publish a methodology for calculating pollution reduction values associated with a clean water project in that water. When establishing a pollutant reduction value, the Secretary […]

§ 924. Clean water service provider; responsibility for clean water projects

§ 924. Clean water service provider; responsibility for clean water projects (a) Clean water service providers; establishment. (1) On or before November 1, 2020, the Secretary shall adopt rules that assign a clean water service provider to each basin in the Lake Champlain and Lake Memphremagog watersheds for the purposes of achieving pollutant reduction values […]

§ 925. Clean water service provider; Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Program

§ 925. Clean water service provider; Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Program The Secretary shall administer a Water Quality Restoration Formula Grant Program to award grants to clean water service providers to meet the pollutant reduction requirements under this subchapter. The grant amount shall be based on the annual pollutant reduction goal established for the […]

§ 926. Water Quality Enhancement Grant Program

§ 926. Water Quality Enhancement Grant Program The Secretary shall administer a Water Quality Enhancement Grant Program. This program shall be a competitive grant program to fund projects that protect high quality waters, maintain or improve water quality in all waters, restore degraded or stressed waters, create resilient watersheds and communities, and support the public’s […]

§ 927. Developed Lands Implementation Grant Program

§ 927. Developed Lands Implementation Grant Program The Secretary shall administer a Developed Lands Implementation Grant Program to provide grants or financing to persons who are required to obtain a permit to implement regulatory requirements that are necessary to achieve water quality standards. The grant or financing program shall only be available in basins where […]

§ 928. Municipal Stormwater Implementation Grant Program

§ 928. Municipal Stormwater Implementation Grant Program The Secretary shall administer a Municipal Stormwater Implementation Grant Program to provide grants to any municipality required under section 1264 of this title to obtain or seek coverage under the municipal roads general permit, the municipal separate storm sewer systems permit, a permit for impervious surface of three […]

§ 929. Clean water project technical assistance

§ 929. Clean water project technical assistance The Secretary shall provide technical assistance upon the request of any person who, under this chapter, receives a grant or is a subgrantee of funds to implement a clean water project. (Added 2019, No. 76, § 1.)

§ 930. Rulemaking

§ 930. Rulemaking The Secretary may adopt rules to implement the requirements of this subchapter. (Added 2019, No. 76, § 1.)