§ 1001. Purpose The Department of Environmental Conservation is created to administer the water conservation policy of this State. It is in the public interest that the waters of the State shall be protected, regulated, and where necessary controlled under the authority of the State. The proper administration of the water resources now and for […]
§ 1002. Definitions As used in this chapter: (1) “Artificial regulation of stream flow” means the intermittent or periodic manipulation of water levels and the intermittent or periodic regulation of discharge of water into the stream below the dam. (2) “Banks” means that land area immediately adjacent to the bed of the stream, which is […]
§ 1003. Conference; recommendations Whenever, in the opinion of the Department, it appears that the artificial regulation of stream flow as maintained by any person threatens the public interest or welfare or an emergency exists or is threatened, the Department may call to conference the owner or owners of the dam causing the artificial regulation […]
§ 1004. State’s agent The Secretary shall be the agent to coordinate the State interest before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in all matters involving water quality and regulation or control of natural stream flow through the use of dams situated on streams within the boundaries of the State, and it shall advise the Federal […]
§ 1005a. Agency of Natural Resources; hydroelectric escrow fund (a) The Secretary of Natural Resources, with the approval of the Secretary of Administration, shall have the authority to enter into one or more written contracts with persons or entities to fund certifications under Section 401 of the federal Clean Water Act and State reviews and […]
§ 1006. Certification of hydroelectric projects; application process (a) As used in this section: (1) “Bypass reach” means that area in a waterway between the initial point where water has been diverted through turbines or other mechanical means for the purpose of water-powered generation of electricity and the point at which water is released into […]