§ 1250. State water quality policy It is the policy of the State of Vermont to: (1) protect and enhance the quality, character and usefulness of its surface waters and to assure the public health; (2) maintain the purity of drinking water; (3) control the discharge of wastes to the waters of the State, prevent […]
§ 1251. Definitions Whenever used or referred to in this chapter, unless a different meaning clearly appears from the context: (1) “Board” means the Secretary of Natural Resources. (2) “Department” means the Department of Environmental Conservation. (3) “Discharge” means the placing, depositing, or emission of any wastes, directly or indirectly, into an injection well or […]
§ 1251a. Water pollution administration (a) The Secretary may adopt rules, in accordance with the procedures in the Administrative Procedure Act, that are necessary for the proper administration of the Secretary’s duties under this subchapter, including a planning process approvable under Public Law 92-500, as amended. (b) The Secretary shall establish by rule requirements for […]
§ 1252. Classification of high quality waters; mixing zones (a) The State adopts, for the purposes of individually classifying the uses of its high quality waters, the following classes and definitions: Class A(1): Waters in a natural condition that have significant ecological value; Class A(2): Waters that are suitable for a public water source with […]
§ 1253. Classification of waters designated; reclassification (a) The waters of all lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, natural or artificial, used exclusively as a public water source prior to July 1, 1971, and all waters flowing into such lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, and all waters located above 2,500 feet altitude, National Geodetic Vertical Datum, are designated […]
§ 1254. Classification of waters by Secretary; aid In classifying or reclassifying the waters of the State, the Secretary is authorized to call upon any State department or agency for any pertinent information, other than information of a confidential nature, that the department or agency has or could obtain easily in the course of its […]
§ 1258. Management of waters after classification, enforcement (a) After the classification of any waters has been determined by the Secretary, those waters shall be managed under the supervision of the Secretary in order to obtain and maintain the classification established. The Secretary may enforce a classification against any person affected thereby who, with notice […]
§ 1259. Prohibitions (a) No person shall discharge any waste, substance, or material into waters of the State, nor shall any person discharge any waste, substance, or material into an injection well or discharge into a publicly owned treatment works any waste that interferes with, passes through without treatment, or is otherwise incompatible with those […]
§ 1263. Discharge permits (a) Any person who intends to discharge waste into the waters of the State or who intends to discharge into an injection well or who intends to discharge into any publicly owned treatment works any waste that interferes with, passes through without treatment, or is otherwise incompatible with that works or […]
§ 1264. Stormwater management (a) Findings and intent. (1) Findings. The General Assembly finds that the management of stormwater runoff is necessary to reduce stream channel instability, pollution, siltation, sedimentation, and flooding, all of which have adverse impacts on the water and land resources of the State. (2) Intent. The General Assembly intends, by enactment […]
§ 1264b. Stormwater Fund (a) A fund to be known as the Stormwater Fund is created in the State Treasury to be expended by the Secretary of Natural Resources. The Fund shall be administered by the Secretary of Natural Resources. The Fund shall consist of: (1) stormwater impact fees paid by permittees to meet applicable […]
§ 1264d. Ecosystem Restoration and Water Quality Improvement Special Fund (a) Purpose. The federal and State requirements for the permitting of Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4) require certain communities to collect water flow and precipitation data at monitoring stations on stormwater-impaired waters in order to demonstrate compliance with stormwater Total Maximum Daily Load allocations. […]
§ 1265. Temporary pollution permits (a) A person who does not qualify for or has been denied a waste discharge permit under section 1263 of this title may apply to the Secretary for a temporary pollution permit. Application shall be made on a form prescribed by the Secretary and shall contain information as the Secretary […]
§ 1266a. Discharges of phosphorus (a) No person directly discharging into the drainage basins of Lake Champlain or Lake Memphremagog shall discharge any waste that contains a phosphorus concentration in excess of 0.80 milligrams per liter on a monthly average basis. Discharges of less than 200,000 gallons per day, permitted on or before July 1, […]
§ 1266b. Application of phosphorus fertilizer (a) Definitions. As used in this section: (1) “Compost” means a stable humus-like material produced by the controlled biological decomposition of organic matter through active management, but shall not mean sewage, septage, or materials derived from sewage or septage. (2) “Fertilizer” shall have the same meaning as in 6 […]
§ 1267. Revocation of permits The Secretary may, after notice and opportunity for public hearing, under 3 V.S.A. § 814(c), revoke, modify, or suspend any permit issued by the Secretary pursuant to this subchapter upon finding that the permit holder submitted false or inaccurate information in the application or has violated any requirement, restrictions, or […]
§ 1268. Emergency permits When a discharge permit holder finds that pollution abatement facilities require repairs, replacement, or other corrective action in order for them to continue to meet standards specified in the permit, the holder may apply in the manner specified by the Secretary for an emergency pollution permit for a term sufficient to […]
§ 1269. Appeals Appeals of any act or decision of the Secretary under this chapter shall be made in accordance with chapter 220 of this title. (Added 1969, No. 252 (Adj. Sess.), § 14, eff. April 4, 1970; 1981, No. 222 (Adj. Sess.), § 25; 2003, No. 115 (Adj. Sess.), § 29, eff. Jan. 31, […]
§ 1271. Extension of municipal sewer system; filing map; approval No municipality shall extend its sewer system until it has filed a copy of its plan for the extension with the Secretary and has received the Secretary’s approval. (Amended 1961, No. 100, § 2; 1973, No. 103, § 9, eff. April 24, 1973; 1981, No. […]
§ 1272. Regulation of activities causing discharge or affecting significant wetlands If the Secretary finds that any person’s action, or an activity, results in the construction, installation, operation, or maintenance of any facility or condition that reasonably can be expected to create or cause a discharge to waters in violation of this subchapter, or to […]