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§ 1274. Enforcement

§ 1274. Enforcement (a) Notwithstanding any other provision or procedure set forth in this chapter, if the Secretary finds that any person has discharged or is discharging any waste in violation of this chapter or that any person has failed to comply with any provisions of any order or permit issued in accordance with this […]

§ 1275. Penalty

§ 1275. Penalty (a) Any person who violates any provision of this subchapter or who fails, neglects, or refuses to obey or comply with any order or the terms of any permit issued in accordance with this subchapter, shall be fined not more than $25,000.00 or be imprisoned not more than six months, or both. […]

§ 1276. Construction

§ 1276. Construction Nothing contained in this subchapter shall be construed to prohibit or require a permit for the proper use of waters for customary sport and recreational purposes such as fishing, swimming, and boating if the classification of the water permits that usage. In the event of an irreconcilable conflict between the provisions of […]

§ 1277. Municipal sewage treatment plants

§ 1277. Municipal sewage treatment plants If, after public hearing, the Secretary finds that: (1) any municipality is discharging untreated or improperly treated sewage or stormwater into waters of the State or that conditions exist in any municipality or combination of municipalities that cause or threaten to cause a reduction in the quality of ground […]

§ 1278. Operation, management, and emergency response plans for pollution abatement center

§ 1278. Operation, management, and emergency response plans for pollution abatement center (a) Findings. The General Assembly finds that the State shall protect Vermont’s lakes, rivers, and streams from pollution by implementing programs to prevent sewage spills to Vermont waters and by requiring emergency planning to limit the damage from spills which do occur. In […]

§ 1280. Emergency actions

§ 1280. Emergency actions Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, upon receipt of evidence that a pollution source or combination of sources, including industrial users of publicly owned treatment works, is presenting an imminent and substantial endangerment to water or groundwaters or to the health of persons or to the welfare of persons by […]

§ 1281. Oil and other hazardous materials

§ 1281. Oil and other hazardous materials (a) The Secretary shall adopt rules relating to the handling, storage, and transport of oil and other hazardous materials within the State of Vermont for the purpose of preventing the discharge of any oil and other hazardous materials directly or indirectly into the waters of the State. The […]

§ 1282. Contingency plans; adoption

§ 1282. Contingency plans; adoption (a) The Secretary shall develop and implement a statewide contingency plan that shall provide for the coordination of the activities of State agencies and municipalities for the purpose of controlling, undertaking cleanup operations, or otherwise mitigating the effects of a spillage of oil or other hazardous materials that is likely […]

§ 1283. Contingency fund

§ 1283. Contingency fund (a) The Environmental Contingency Fund is established within the control of the Secretary. Subject to the limitations contained in subsection (b) of this section, disbursements from the Fund may be made by the Secretary to undertake actions that the Secretary considers necessary to investigate or mitigate, or both, the effects of […]

§ 1283a. Contaminants of Emerging Concern Special Fund

§ 1283a. Contaminants of Emerging Concern Special Fund (a) The Contaminants of Emerging Concern Special Fund is established pursuant to 32 V.S.A. chapter 7, subchapter 5 to provide grants to public water systems responding to or remediating emerging contaminants in a public water supply. The Secretary of Natural Resources shall administer the Fund and may […]

§ 1284. Water quality data coordination

§ 1284. Water quality data coordination (a) To facilitate attainment or accomplishment of the purposes of this chapter, the Secretary shall coordinate and assess all available data and science regarding the quality of the waters of the State, including: (1) light detection and ranging information data (LIDAR); (2) stream gauge data; (3) stream mapping, including […]