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Home » US Law » 2022 Vermont Statutes » Title 10 - Conservation and Development » Chapter 49A - Lake Shoreland Protection Standards

§ 1441. Purpose

§ 1441. Purpose The purposes of this chapter shall be to: (1) provide clear and adaptable standards for the creation of impervious surface or cleared area in lands adjacent to lakes; (2) prevent degradation of water quality in lakes and preserve natural stability of shoreline; (3) protect aquatic biota and protect habitat for wildlife and […]

§ 1442. Definitions

§ 1442. Definitions As used in this chapter: (1) “Agency” means the Agency of Natural Resources. (2) “Best management practices” means approved activities, maintenance procedures, and other practices to prevent or reduce the effects of impervious surface or cleared area on water quality and natural resources. (3) “Cleared area” means an area where existing vegetative […]

§ 1444. Permit standards

§ 1444. Permit standards (a) Permit standards; generally. Except for permits issued under section 1445 of this title, the Secretary shall issue a permit under this chapter if the permit applicant, including the State of Vermont, demonstrates that: (1) cleared area or impervious surface shall be located at least 100 feet from the mean water […]

§ 1445. Nonconforming parcels; permit standards

§ 1445. Nonconforming parcels; permit standards (a) Permit for nonconforming parcels. A permit applicant shall comply with the requirements of subsection (b) of this section if the applicant cannot meet the standard required under subdivision 1444(a)(1) of this title on a parcel of land in existence on July 1, 2014, due to one of the […]

§ 1446. Registered projects; exemptions from permitting

§ 1446. Registered projects; exemptions from permitting (a)(1) Registered projects. The following projects in a protected shoreland area do not require a permit under section 1444 or 1445 of this title: (A) The creation of no more than 100 square feet of impervious surface or cleared area, or a combination of impervious surface or cleared […]

§ 1447. Lake shoreland vegetation protection standards

§ 1447. Lake shoreland vegetation protection standards (a) Within 100 feet of the mean water level, cutting of trees is allowed provided that a well-distributed stand of trees and other natural vegetation is maintained. Vegetation management that occurs within the protected shoreland area and that is conducted according to the requirements of this section shall […]

§ 1448. Municipal delegation

§ 1448. Municipal delegation (a) Municipal shoreland bylaws or ordinances. The Secretary shall delegate authority to permit the construction, creation, or expansion of impervious surface or cleared area under this chapter to a municipality that has adopted a shoreland bylaw or ordinance if: (1) the municipality adopts a bylaw or ordinance regulating construction of impervious […]

§ 1449. Coordination of Agency of Natural Resources’ permitting of activities in protected shoreland areas

§ 1449. Coordination of Agency of Natural Resources’ permitting of activities in protected shoreland areas (a) Coordination of permitting in protected shoreland area. During technical review of a permit application for a wastewater system, potable water supply, stormwater discharge, or stormwater treatment facility that is proposed to be located in a protected shoreland area and […]

§ 1450. Municipal zoning bylaw or ordinance

§ 1450. Municipal zoning bylaw or ordinance (a) Construction of impervious surface or creation of cleared area occurring outside protected shoreland areas. Construction of impervious surface or creation of cleared area occurring outside a protected shoreland area shall conform to duly adopted municipal zoning bylaws and applicable municipal ordinances and shall not be subject to […]

§ 1450a. Rulemaking

§ 1450a. Rulemaking The Secretary may adopt rules necessary for the purposes of implementing, administering, or enforcing the requirements of this chapter, including best management practices for the construction of impervious surfaces or the creation of cleared area in a protected shoreland area, including standards for: (1) managing vegetative cover that may be required as […]

§ 1450b. Education and outreach; citizen’s guide

§ 1450b. Education and outreach; citizen’s guide The Secretary shall conduct ongoing education and outreach to assist Vermont citizens with understanding and complying with the requirements of this chapter. The education and outreach activities shall include publication on or before January 1, 2015 of a Citizen’s Guide to Shoreland Protection, which shall provide easily understood […]