§ 151. Terminology and spelling (a) The State Librarian is authorized to furnish for any federal or state publication the proper terminology and spelling of any geographic name in Vermont and may advise the U.S. Postal service regarding the proper selection and spelling of the name of a Vermont post office or any railroad company […]
§ 152. Authority to name geographic locations The Board of Libraries is hereby designated the State agency to name geographic locations, including mountains, streams, lakes, and ponds, upon petition signed by not less than 25 interested persons or by petition of an administrative department of the State. (Added 1961, No. 139, § 3, eff. May […]
§ 153. Procedure When the Board receives a petition to act under section 152 of this title it shall give reasonable notice to each administrative department of the State having jurisdiction of the location to be named and to each town in which the location lies of the time and place when it will hear […]
§ 154. Standards The Board in choosing names shall give preference to historical events, historic persons, and flora and fauna native to Vermont; names characteristic to Vermont; and its traditions and local place names where long usage has made them appropriate and useful. (1961, No. 139, § 5, eff. May 24, 1961.)