§ 1. Rules of pleading, practice, and procedure; forms The Supreme Court is empowered to prescribe and amend from time to time general rules with respect to pleadings, practice, evidence, procedure, and forms for all actions and proceedings in all courts of this State. The rules thus prescribed or amended shall not abridge, enlarge, or […]
§ 3. Legislative Committee on Judicial Rules (a) There is created a joint legislative committee to be known as the Legislative Committee on Judicial Rules. The Legislative Committee on Judicial Rules shall be composed of eight members of the General Assembly to be appointed for two-year terms ending on February 1 of odd-numbered years as […]
§ 4. Review by legislative committee (a) The Legislative Committee on Judicial Rules, by majority vote of the entire Committee, may object to proposed rules or amendments and recommend that the Court amend or withdraw the proposal. The Court shall be notified promptly of the objections. The Court may respond in writing to the Committee. […]
§ 5. Dissemination of electronic case records (a) The Court shall not permit public access via the Internet to criminal, family, or probate case records. The Court may permit criminal justice agencies, as defined in 20 V.S.A. § 2056a, Internet access to criminal case records for criminal justice purposes, as defined in 20 V.S.A. § […]