§ 5901. Forms prescribed; alterations The forms of writs set out in this chapter, in the several courts of this State, and other proceedings, shall, as near as circumstances will admit, be adopted and used, and shall be sufficient in law; but alterations may be made and allowed by the courts when necessary to adapt […]
§ 5911. Forcible entry and detainer verdict A. B. of ………………………………………………. , complainant, against C. D. of …………………………………… , respondent. The jury find that the facts alleged in the said A. B.’s complaint are true, and that the said C. D. is guilty thereof, and that the said A. B. ought to have restitution of […]
§ 5912. Restitution Greeting: Whereas A. B. of, etc., at a court of inquiry of forcible entry and detainer, held at …………………………………………. in the county of ………………………………… , on the ………………………………… day of ………………………………… A.D. 20 …… , before E. F. and G. H., justices of the peace in and for the county of …………………………….. […]
§ 5913. Habeas corpus Writ of Habeas Corpus (Commencement as in § 5903.) To the sheriff of ……………… (or person having the custody of the prisoner,) (to be designated by his or her name or name of office) or to any sheriff in the State, or his or her deputy, (as the case may be) […]