§ 2601. Definitions As used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise indicates: (1) “Best value” means the highest overall value to the State, considering quality and cost. (2) “Design-build contracting” means a method of project delivery where a single entity is contractually responsible to perform design, construction, and related services. (3) “Major participant” means […]
§ 2602. Authorization (a) Notwithstanding section 10 of this title or any other provision of law, the Agency may use design-build contracting to deliver projects. The Agency may evaluate and select proposals on either a best-value or a low-bid basis. If the scope of work requires substantial engineering judgment, the quality of which may vary […]
§ 2603. Prequalification (a) The Agency may require that entities be prequalified to submit proposals. If the Agency requires prequalification, it shall give public notice requesting qualifications from interested entities electronically through the Agency’s publicly accessible website or through advertisements in newspapers. The Agency shall issue a request-for-qualifications package to all entities requesting one in […]
§ 2604. Request for proposals The Agency may issue a request for proposals, which shall set forth the scope of work, design parameters, construction requirements, time constraints, and all other requirements that have a substantial impact on the cost or quality of the project and the project development process, as determined by the Agency. The […]
§ 2605. Low-bid award If the basis of the award of responsive proposals is low-bid, then each proposal, including the price or prices, shall be sealed by the proposer and submitted to the Agency as one complete package. The Agency shall award the design-build contract to the proposer that submits a responsive proposal with the […]
§ 2606. Best-value award (a) If the basis of the award of responsive proposals is best-value, then each proposal shall be submitted by the proposer to the Agency in two separate components: a sealed technical proposal and a sealed price proposal. These two components shall be submitted simultaneously. The Agency shall first open, evaluate, and […]