§ 101. Corporate existence retained The boundaries of the City of Barre shall be those as set forth and described in 1945 Acts and Resolves No. 221 and any amendments thereafter enacted. The City of Barre shall continue to be a municipal corporation.
§ 102. General law application Except when changed, enlarged, or modified by the provisions of this charter, or by any legal regulation or ordinance of the City of Barre, all provisions of the statutes of this State relating to municipalities shall apply to the City of Barre.
§ 103. Wards established There shall be three wards for the City of Barre and the boundaries of the wards shall be fixed from time to time by the Board of Civil Authority subject to the approval of the City Council. The boundaries shall be fixed so as to provide equal or near equal distribution […]
§ 104. General corporate powers (a) The City shall have all the powers granted to towns and municipal corporations by the Constitution and laws of this State together with all the implied powers necessary to carry into execution all the powers granted; it may enact ordinances not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the […]
§ 105. Ordinances—subject matter (a) The general grant of ordinance promulgating authority in section 104 shall include the authority: (1) To adopt and enforce ordinances relating to making and installation of local improvements, including curbs, sidewalks, storm drains, sewers, and water lines; requiring the installation of curbs, sidewalks, storm drains, sewer, and water lines, in […]
§ 106. Ordinances; enforcement; adoption (a) The Council may provide penalties for the breach of any ordinance authorized by general law or this charter; may prosecute any person violating the same through the City Attorney, Grand Juror, or police officers who for such purposes shall be informing officers; and may maintain actions to restrain actual […]
§ 107. Ordinances; adoption process (a) Every ordinance shall be introduced in writing. The enacting clause of all ordinances shall be “The Council of the City of Barre hereby ordains…”. If the Council passes the proposed ordinance upon first reading, it shall cause it to be published in the form passed in a newspaper of […]
§ 108. Filing of ordinances The City Clerk shall keep in the Clerk’s office a book of ordinances that shall contain each ordinance finally passed by the Council together with a complete index of the ordinances according to the subject matter.
§ 109. Reservation of powers to the City Nothing in this charter shall be so construed as in any way to limit the powers and functions conferred upon the City of Barre and the Council by general or special enactments in force or effect or hereafter enacted, and the powers and functions conferred by this […]
§ 110. Fiscal year The fiscal year of the City and the City School District shall begin on the first day of July and end on the last day of June of each calendar year. The fiscal year shall constitute the budget and accounting year as used in this charter. (Added 2013, No. M-5, § […]
§ 111. Bonding of City officials The Mayor, councilors, members of the Police Department, City Manager, Finance Director, Superintendent of Public Works, Tax Collector, and Clerk and Treasurer shall annually be bonded by the City for the faithful discharge of their respective duties, as provided by State statute, and the expense of said bonds to […]
§ 112. Amendment of charter This charter may be amended in the manner provided for by the laws of the State of Vermont for amendment of municipal charters. (Added 2013, No. M-5, § 2, eff. May 13, 2013.)