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App § 401. Appointment and qualifications

§ 401. Appointment and qualifications The City Manager shall be appointed annually on the first day of July by the Council solely on the basis of his or her executive and administrative qualifications with special reference to his or her actual experience in, or knowledge of, accepted practice in respect to the duties of his […]

App § 402. Removal

§ 402. Removal (a) On 90 days’ notice, the Manager may be removed without cause by a majority of the Council so voting. He or she may be suspended during this period, but his or her pay shall continue until his or her removal. (b) Notwithstanding the above, the Council may adopt a resolution stating […]

App § 403. Manager’s absence

§ 403. Manager’s absence The City Manager may designate a qualified administrative officer of the municipality to perform his or her duties during his or her temporary absence or disability. In the event of his or her failure to make such designation, the Council may, by resolution, appoint an officer of the City to perform […]

App § 404. Duties and responsibilities

§ 404. Duties and responsibilities The City Manager shall: (1) be the chief administrative official of the City; (2) enforce all laws and ordinances of the City; (3) appoint and remove all department heads and all other officers, subordinates, and assistants and fix their salary or compensation, for whose selection or removal no other method […]

App § 405. Council policy

§ 405. Council policy The City Manager shall be responsible to the Council for carrying out all policies established by it and for the proper administration of all affairs of the City within the jurisdiction of the Council.

App § 406. Budget

§ 406. Budget The City Manager shall prepare his or her recommended budget for the next fiscal year and present the same to the City Council not later than 45 days prior to the annual meeting date each year. At the same time, the City Manager shall submit his or her request for a specific […]

App § 406a. Capital improvement plan

§ 406a. Capital improvement plan (a) Preparation and submission. The Manager, after consultation with department heads, shall submit a proposed five-year capital improvement plan to the council at least three months prior to the annual meeting. (b) Contents. The capital expenditure plan shall include: (1) a clear narrative summary of needs; (2) a list of […]

App § 407. Appointments

§ 407. Appointments (a) Any provision of general law conferring the appointing power or other power upon the Mayor, the Mayor and City Council, the City Council, or other executive heads of a municipality shall be construed as meaning the City Manager and the appointments or power exercised by the City Manager, in accordance with […]

App § 408. Streets

§ 408. Streets It shall be the duty of the City Manager to see that all streets and highways laid out and established in the City are properly constructed and maintained.

App § 409. Duties

§ 409. Duties (a) The Mayor shall be chief conservator of the peace and safety of the City and, as such, is empowered to control and direct the police force, in case of riot, insurrection, or other emergency, when he or she may take command of the whole police force, including the chief executive thereof, […]

App § 410. Duties

§ 410. Duties (a) The City Clerk shall perform for the City the same duties as prescribed by the laws of this State upon town clerks, except insofar as the same are changed or modified by the provisions of this charter and shall charge and receive for the benefit of the City the same fees […]

App § 411. Official notices

§ 411. Official notices Whenever any notice signed by the Mayor, City Council, or any City officer or officers, or any advertisement, ordinance, resolution, or bylaw has been published in some newspaper or newspapers or publicly posted under the provisions of the general law, this charter, or the ordinances, thereby authorized, the City Clerk shall […]

App § 412. Duties of Treasurer

§ 412. Duties of Treasurer Except as otherwise provided, the City Treasurer shall have the same duties, powers, and liabilities prescribed by law for town treasurers. The Treasurer’s compensation shall be fixed by the City Council.

App § 413. School Districts

§ 413. School Districts The City Treasurer shall be Treasurer of the City of Barre School District and shall have the same duties, powers, and liabilities of a treasurer of a town school district, except as otherwise provided.

App § 414. Duties and responsibilities

§ 414. Duties and responsibilities The City Attorney shall be corporation counsel for the City. He or she may prosecute and defend in behalf of the City all suits in which the City is interested. He or she is authorized to file information and complaints in criminal causes involving violation of an ordinance of the […]

App § 416. Appointment

§ 416. Appointment The City Council shall annually appoint from among the legally qualified voters of the City a Collector of Taxes and fix his or her compensation; and for cause, incapacity, negligence, or misconduct, they may remove such officer and fill any vacancy in such office by the appointment of a successor Collector of […]

App § 417. Duties

§ 417. Duties The Collector of Taxes shall have the same powers and be under the same duties and liabilities as are prescribed for collectors of taxes by the statutes of this State, except where such statutes are in conflict with this charter and then the provisions of this charter shall control.

App § 419. Duties

§ 419. Duties The City Engineer shall make all public surveys of the streets and public grounds of the City and shall perform such other services as he or she may be required by the City Manager.

App § 420. Duties

§ 420. Duties The Superintendent of the City Waterworks shall have the care and management of the City Waterworks and shall, at all times, be subject in respect thereto to the orders of the City Manager.

App § 421. Duties

§ 421. Duties The Superintendent of Streets, subject to the order of the City Manager, shall have immediate care and supervision of the public streets, highways, and sewers of the City. He or she shall be under the general direction and control of the City Manager.