§ 2. Annual meeting The annual meeting of the corporation shall be held each year on the date, at the time, and at the location as the Village trustees may determine. Notice of which shall be posted at three public places in the Village, at least 10 days previous to the meeting, which notice shall […]
§ 3. Officers (a) At every annual meeting, the corporation shall, by ballot, if called for, elect for the ensuing year, and until their successors shall be chosen, a Moderator, who shall preside at all meetings of the corporation, with the powers of a moderator at town meetings; a Clerk, who shall keep a record […]
§ 4. Board of Trustees (a) There shall be a Board of five Trustees to manage the affairs of the corporation with the necessary powers for that purpose to exercise such general powers of their office within the Village limits as are applicable to the selectboard in town affairs as provided by the statutes of […]