App § 401. Fiscal year
§ 401. Fiscal year The fiscal year of the District shall commence on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.
§ 401. Fiscal year The fiscal year of the District shall commence on July 1 and end on June 30 of the following year.
§ 402. Budget appropriation (a) Proposed budget. Annually, on or before December 1, the Board of Supervisors shall approve and cause to be distributed to the legislative branch of each member municipality for review and comment an annual report of its activities, including a financial statement and a proposed budget of the District for the […]
§ 403. Assessment procedure Annually, on or before January 20 preceding the fiscal year, the Treasurer of the District shall issue and present a warrant to the legislative body of each member municipality requiring that the amount of such assessment, if any, be paid to him or her in accordance with the schedule of payments […]
§ 404. Limitations of appropriations (a) Actions or resolutions of the Board of Supervisors for the annual appropriations of any year shall not cease to be operative at the end of the fiscal year for which they were adopted, except as otherwise provided by the laws of the State of Vermont. (b) Appropriations made by […]
§ 405. Indebtedness The Board of Supervisors may borrow money through the issuance of notes of the District for the purpose of paying current expenses of the District. Such notes must mature within one year. The Board of Supervisors may also borrow money in anticipation of grants-in-aid from any source and any revenues other than […]
§ 406. Long-term indebtedness (a) Submission to voters. On a petition signed by at least five percent of the voters of the District at the last general election, the proposition of incurring a bonded debt or other indebtedness to pay for public improvements or of authorizing a long-term contract shall be submitted by the Board […]
§ 407. Sinking fund The Board of Supervisors may establish and provide for a sinking fund, however denominated, for the retirement of bond issue or other debt or to provide security for the payment thereof. When so established, it shall be kept intact and separate from other monies at the disposal of the District and […]
§ 408. Capital reserve fund The Board of Supervisors may establish and provide for a capital reserve fund to pay in full or in part for public improvements, replacement of worn-out buildings and equipment, and planned and unplanned major repairs of a management facility, in furtherance of the purpose for which the District was created. […]
§ 409. Disposal fees The Board of Supervisors may establish and from time to time adjust a disposal fee structure (tipping fee) upon the operation and maintenance of any solid waste management facility located within the District.