§ 402. Proposed budget (a) Annually on or before the first day of December, the Board of Supervisors shall prepare and distribute to the legislative body of each member municipality for review and comment an annual report of its activities, including a proposed budget of the district for the next year. The proposed budget shall […]
§ 403. Budget adoption, appropriation, and assessment Annually on or before January 15, the Board of Supervisors shall adopt the budget, appropriate any sums that it deems necessary to operate and carry out the District’s functions for the fiscal year, assess a tax upon each member municipality for its proportionate share of the sums so […]
§ 404. Budget, appropriation, and assessment; apportionment of taxes (a) Taxes shall be apportioned among the member municipalities on the basis of relative tonnage or volume of solid waste loads generated by or within each of the member municipalities such that each member municipality shall be assessed a percentage of the sum appropriated equal to […]
§ 405. Initial budget and appropriation (a) Within 30 days after the initial organizational meeting, the Board of Supervisors shall prepare and adopt an operating budget for the remainder of the then fiscal year and shall appropriate monies and assess a tax upon each member municipality to obtain the monies thus appropriated. The initial appropriation […]
§ 406. Collection (a) Annually on or before the first day of February, the Treasurer of the District shall issue and present a warrant to the legislative body of each member municipality requiring that the amount of the tax to be paid to him or her in accordance with the schedule for payments adopted by […]
§ 407. Limitations of appropriations (a) Actions or resolutions of the Board of Supervisors for the annual appropriations in any year shall not cease to be operative at the end of the fiscal year shall not cease to be operative at the end of the fiscal year for which they were adopted except as otherwise […]
§ 408. Indebtedness; short-term borrowing (a) The Board of Supervisors may borrow money through the issuance of notes of the District for the purpose of paying current expenses of the District. However, the notes must mature within the fiscal year in which they were issued. (b) The Board of Supervisors may also borrow money in […]
§ 409. Indebtedness; long-term indebtedness and long-term contracts (a) Submission to voters. (1)(A) On a petition signed by at least ten percent of the voters of the District, the proposition of incurring a bonded debt or other indebtedness to pay for public improvements or of authorizing a long-term contract shall be submitted to the qualified […]
§ 410. Sinking fund (a) The Board of Supervisors, with the approval of a majority of the voters present and voting at a special District meeting called and warned for that purpose, may establish and provide for a sinking fund that shall serve and be used exclusively as a debt service reserve fund for the […]
§ 411. Capital reserve fund (a) The Board of Supervisors, with the approval of a majority of the voters present and voting at a special District meeting called and warned for such purpose, may establish and provide for a capital reserve fund to pay for public improvements in furtherance of the purposes for which the […]
§ 412. Disposal of fees The Board of Supervisors may from time to time establish and adjust a disposal fee structure (tipping fees) for the purpose of generating revenues from sources other than assessments to member municipalities, particularly concerning the operation and maintenance of any District solid waste disposal or resource recovery facility. (Added 2019, […]
§ 413. Transportation and collection sites (a) The costs and responsibility assigned under this charter to member municipalities for the transportation of the solid waste generated within each municipality to any District solid waste disposal or resource recovery facility and for providing a collection site for the solid waste generated within each municipality shall remain […]