§ 2402. Prohibition; offenses (a) No person shall: (1) practice or attempt to practice veterinary medicine or hold himself or herself out as being able to do so in this State without first having obtained a license from the Board; (2) use in connection with the person’s name any letters, words, or insignia indicating or […]
§ 2403. Exemptions from licensure Regardless of whether acts performed are within the definition of the practice of veterinary medicine as defined in subdivision 2401(5) of this title, a license to practice veterinary medicine shall not be required under section 2402 of this title by the following: (1) The owner of an animal and the […]
§ 2404. Immunity from liability; cases of animal cruelty (a) There shall be no monetary liability on the part of, and no cause of action for damages shall arise against, a veterinarian licensed to practice in this State who, in good faith and in the normal course of practice, reports suspected cases of cruelty to […]
§ 2405. Immunity from liability for good samaritan acts (a) For purposes of this section, an “emergency” shall include a fire, flood, storm, or other natural disaster, hazardous chemical or substance incident, vehicular collision with an animal, or other transportation accident where an animal is injured or in need of assistance to protect its health […]