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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 1. The State and Its Subdivisions » Article 3. Creation of New County; Change in County Line

§1-3-1. Notice of Intention to Create New County

When it is intended to apply to the Legislature for the passage of an act to create a new county, a notice of such intention shall be published as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall […]

§1-3-10. Transfer of Proceedings Pending Before a Justice

Any proceeding pending before a justice of an old county at the time the act creating a new county becomes effective, which, if brought after that time, would be required by law to be brought before a justice of the new county, shall be transferred, together with the papers and a transcript of the record, […]

§1-3-11. Jurisdiction of Old Officers to Continue Until New Officers Appointed

The sheriffs and other officers of the counties from which a new county is formed shall, until the sheriff and other officers of the new county are appointed in the manner provided by law for the filling of vacancies in such offices, continue to have and exercise all the jurisdiction, power and authority which they […]

§1-3-12. Officers of Old County Required to Reside Therein

In any case where the residence of a sheriff or other officer required to reside within the county is, by the creation of a new county, included within the limits of the new county, such sheriff or other officer may retain his office provided he change his residence, within fifteen days after the act creating […]

§1-3-13. District Offices Not Vacated

The creation of a new county shall not vacate the office of any justice, constable, or other officer of any district which is included in whole or in part in the new county, provided such justice, constable, or other district officer resides within the limits of such new county.

§1-3-14. Notice and Survey in Case of Changing County Line

When it is proposed to change a county line, a notice thereof shall be published prior to the application for a survey of the proposed change as a Class II legal advertisement in compliance with the provisions of article three, chapter fifty-nine of this code, and the publication area for such publication shall be the […]

§1-3-2. Survey and Census; Area and Population

The county court of each of the counties out of which the new county is proposed to be formed, at its first session after the notice mentioned in the next preceding section has been published, as required by said section, shall order a survey of the whole county, and of that portion thereof proposed to […]

§1-3-4. Plat of New County

From the plats showing the portion of each county to be included in the proposed new county, mentioned in section two of this article, a plat of the proposed new county shall be prepared under the joint supervision of the surveyors who made the plats of such portions, which plat shall bear the joint certificate […]

§1-3-5. Certificates to Accompany Application to Legislature

Every application to the Legislature for the formation of a new county must be accompanied by duly certified copies of the surveys, plat of the proposed new county, census and order of the county court declaring the result of such election as aforesaid, together with satisfactory evidence that all the provisions of this article have […]

§1-3-6. Payment of Expenses

All the expenses attending the publication of the notices, the surveying, and the taking of the census, as required in sections one and two of this article, shall be paid by the parties applying for the proposed new county. The expenses incident to the election in each county shall be paid by it and the […]

§1-3-7. Filing Plat of New County After Its Creation; Change of Boundaries

If the proposed new county be created with the boundaries specified in the plat and certificate of survey mentioned in section four of this article, a copy of such plat and certificate showing the courses and distances of the boundary line of such new county, and the streams and other natural objects or points referred […]

§1-3-9. Jurisdiction of Courts; Transfer of Cases

The courts which, at the time of the passage of the act creating a new county, had jurisdiction over the counties from which it is formed shall retain jurisdiction over all actions, suits and proceedings therein pending at the passage of the act, and shall try and determine the same, and award execution and other […]