§10-5-1. Legislative Findings; Definitions
(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (1) It is the duty of this state to provide the best educational training possible for all its citizens;
(a) The Legislature hereby finds and declares that: (1) It is the duty of this state to provide the best educational training possible for all its citizens;
(a) The West Virginia Educational Broadcasting Authority is continued as a public benefit corporation. The Authority shall consist of eleven voting members, who shall be residents of the state, including: (1) The Governor or designee;
(1) To act as advisor and consultant to television and radio stations concerning noncommercial educational programs supported by federal, state, county, city or private funds;
(a) The authority may solicit, apply for and receive appropriations, gifts, bequests or grants from any agency of the United States government, any agency of the State of West Virginia, any municipality or county within this state, any school board or college or university supported in whole or in part by this state or any […]
The authority may also create one or more advisory councils. Each council so created shall consist of not more than nine members to be appointed by and serve at the will and pleasure of the authority. Each council shall annually elect a chairperson, vice chairperson and secretary. Members so appointed shall serve without compensation, but […]
(a) The Authority shall appoint an Advisory Committee on Journalistic and Editorial Integrity, which shall consist of five qualified members to serve staggered terms of three years. The Advisory Committee shall annually elect a chair, vice chair and secretary. (b) The Advisory Committee shall advise the Authority on issues related to the journalistic independence and […]
(a) In furtherance of its mission and fulfillment of its duties, the authority is expressly authorized to allow its employees to work with, and its property and facilities to be used by, private nonprofit corporations established for the sole purpose of providing support for public broadcasting in this state. (b) To document the implementation of […]