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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 11B. Department of Revenue » Article 2. State Budget Office

§11B-2-27. Expenditure of Appropriations — Payment of Personal Services

A requisition for the payment of personal services shall, upon receipt by the director of the budget, be checked against the personnel schedule of the spending unit making the requisition. The director shall approve a requisition for personal services only if the amounts requested are in accordance with the personnel schedule of the spending unit: […]

§11B-2-3. Requests for Appropriations; Copies to Legislative Auditor

(a) The spending officer of each spending unit, other than the legislative and the judicial branches of state government, shall, on or before September 1, of each year, submit to the secretary a request for appropriations for the fiscal year next ensuing. On or before the same date, the spending officer shall also transmit two […]

§11B-2-31. Effectuation of Transfer of Budget Section and Transition

To effectuate the transfer of the budget section of the Finance Division, Department of Administration to the Department of Revenue upon the effective date of this section in the year 2004: (1) All employees, records, responsibilities, obligations, assets and property, of whatever kind and character, of the budget section, Finance Division of the Department of […]

§11B-2-32. Establish a Special Revenue Fund Designated the Public Employees Insurance Agency Financial Stability Fund; Authority of the Secretary of Revenue to Redirect Certain Special Revenue Funds to the Public Employees Insurance Agency Financial Stability Fund

(a) There is hereby created a special revenue account in the State Treasury, designated the Public Employees Insurance Agency Financial Stability Fund, to be administered by the Secretary of Revenue. (b) The Public Employees Insurance Agency Financial Stability Fund shall consist of moneys appropriated by the Legislature and moneys transferred annually pursuant to the provisions […]

§11B-2-4. Contents of Requests

A request for an appropriation for a spending unit shall specify and itemize in written form: (1) A statement showing the amount and kinds of revenue and receipts collected for use of the spending agency during the next preceding fiscal year and anticipated collections for the fiscal year next ensuing;

§11B-2-5. Form of Requests

The secretary shall specify the form and detail of itemization of requests for appropriations and statements to be submitted by a spending unit: Provided, That a request for appropriations must include at a minimum the information required by section four of this article. The secretary shall furnish blank forms for this purpose.

§11B-2-7. Appropriations for Judiciary

The Governor shall transmit to the secretary the appropriations required by law for the judiciary for the fiscal year next ensuing and which have been certified to the Governor by the Auditor. The Auditor shall certify the appropriations to the Governor in accordance with section fifty-one, article VI of the Constitution of West Virginia on […]

§11B-2-8. Examination of Requests for Appropriations

(a) The secretary shall examine the requests of a spending unit with respect to requested appropriations, itemization, sufficiency of justification statements and accuracy and completeness of all other information which the spending officer is required to submit. (b) If the secretary finds a request, report or statement of a spending unit inaccurate, incomplete or inadequate, […]

§11B-2-9. Appropriation Requests by Other Than Spending Units

A person or organization, other than a spending officer, who desires to request a general appropriation in the state budget, shall submit his or her request to the secretary on or before September 1, of each year. The request shall be in the form prescribed by the secretary and shall be accompanied by a justification […]