(a) As used in this article "enterprise resource planning" means the implementation of software applications to achieve the comprehensive integration of data sources and processes of state agencies into a unified system that includes the state's financial management, procurement, personnel, payroll, budget development and other administrative business processes. (b) There is created the West Virginia […]
The board may: (1) Adopt and use a common seal and alter it at pleasure;
(a) The board shall manage and control the Enterprise Resource Planning System in accordance with the provisions of this article. (b) The Governor shall be the chairperson of the board unless the board votes to elect another member as chairperson. (c) Decisions of the board require unanimous consent of the members. (d) The board may […]
(a) There is created a sixteen member steering committee of the board whose purpose is to provide routine oversight of the implementation and management of the enterprise resource planning system and perform duties delegated to them by the board. (b) The steering committee shall annually elect a chairperson to chair the committee. (c) A steering […]
There is hereby created a fund in the State Treasury entitled the Enterprise Resource Planning System Fund to be administered by the board. The fund shall consist of any appropriations or transfers made for the purpose of studying, evaluating, creating, developing, implementing and managing a new Enterprise Resource Planning System and any fees collected in […]
The unencumbered balances of all funds allocated to the enterprise resource planning system for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, and the fiscal year ending June 30, 2012, are hereby transferred to the Enterprise Resource Planning System Fund on the effective date of this section in the year 2011.
The West Virginia Enterprise Resource Planning Board shall, after consulting with the Fleet Management Division, established pursuant to §5A-12-1 et seq. of this code, and the Division of Motor Vehicles, pursuant to the authority in §17A-3-25, develop standard naming conventions for the title, registration, and other fixed asset information to be used in the identification […]