The act heretofore created by this article and known and cited as the "West Virginia Crime Reparation Act of 1981" shall henceforth be known and cited as the "West Virginia Crime Victims Compensation Act." Any and all funds existing under the West Virginia crime reparation act of 1981 shall continue for the purposes set forth […]
(a) A claim for an award of compensation shall be commenced by filing an application for an award of compensation with the clerk of the West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission. The application shall be in a form prescribed by the clerk of the West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission and shall contain the information specified in […]
The clerk of the West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission shall establish a procedure for the filing, recording and processing of applications for an award of compensation.
(a) An application for benefits on behalf of a minor child who is the subject of a civil abuse and neglect petition may be filed by a foster parent, legal guardian of the minor child, court appointed guardian ad litem, or any person or entity having legal custody of the minor child, including the agency […]
(a) The clerk of the West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission shall transmit a copy of the application to the claim investigator within seven days after the filing of the application. (b) The claim investigator, upon receipt of an application for an award of compensation from the clerk of the West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission, shall […]
(a) The clerk of the West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission, upon receipt of the claim investigator’s finding of fact and recommendation, shall forward a copy of the finding of fact and recommendation to the claimant with a notice informing the claimant that any response, in the form of objections or comments directed to the finding […]
(a) Except as provided in 14-2A-10(b) of this code, the commissioner may not approve an award of compensation to a claimant who did not file his or her application for an award of compensation within two years after the date of the occurrence of the criminally injurious conduct that caused the injury or death for […]
All claims shall be considered closed and no longer eligible for benefits at the expiration of available benefits or 10 years after filing the claim, whichever occurs first: Provided, That this provision shall not apply to claimants or victims receiving benefits under 14-2A-14(g)(2) of this code.
(a) If either the claim investigator or the claimant disagrees with the approval of an award or the denial of a claim in the summary manner set forth in the preceding sections of this article, the claim investigator or the claimant, or both, shall file with the clerk a request for hearing. Such request shall […]
(a) There is no privilege, except the privilege arising from the attorney-client relationship, as to communications or records that are relevant to the physical, mental or emotional condition of the claimant or victim in a proceeding under this article in which that condition is an element. (b) If the mental, physical or emotional condition of […]
If a person refuses to comply with an order under this article, or asserts a privilege, except privileges arising from the attorney-client relationship, so as to withhold or suppress evidence relevant to a claim for an award of compensation, the commission or a commissioner thereof may make any just order, including denial of the claim, […]
The commission or a commissioner thereof, may approve an award of compensation whether or not any person is convicted for committing the conduct that is the basis of the award. The filing of a criminal charge shall be a prerequisite for receipt of compensation unless it is determined that no charges were filed due to […]
(a) By separate order, the commission or a commissioner thereof, shall determine and award reasonable attorney’s fees, commensurate with services rendered and reimbursement for reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred shall be paid from the Crime Victims Compensation Fund to the attorney representing a claimant in a proceeding under this article at the same rates […]
(a) As part of the order, the commission or a commissioner thereof, shall determine whether fees are due and owing for health care services rendered by a physician, hospital or other health care provider stemming from an injury received as defined under this article, and further, whether or not the physician, hospital or other health […]
The commission may establish by rule or order maximum rates and service limitations for reimbursement of health care services rendered by a physician, hospital, or other health care provider. An informational copy of the maximum rates and service limitations shall be filed with the Joint Committee on Government and Finance upon adoption by the commission. […]
The Legislature finds and declares that a primary purpose of government is to provide for the safety of citizens and the inviolability of their property. To the extent that innocent citizens are victims of crime, particularly violent crime, and are without adequate redress for injury to their person or property, this primary purpose of government […]
(a) The Legislative Auditor shall submit to the Department of Administration, on or before November 20, of each year, an anticipated budget for the Crime Victims Compensation Program provided in this article for the next fiscal year, which shall include: (1) An estimate of the balance and receipts anticipated in the Crime Victims Compensation Fund;
The West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission shall prepare and transmit annually to the Governor and the Legislature a report of the activities of the West Virginia Legislative Claims Commission under this article. The report shall include the number of claims filed, the number of awards made, the amount of each award, and a statistical summary […]
If an award of compensation is made under the provisions of this article and is not reduced on account of the availability of payment by a collateral source, the state, upon the payment of the award or a part of the award, shall be subrogated to all of the claimant's rights to receive or recover […]
Subrogation rights which a collateral source may have shall not extend to a recovery from a claimant of all or any part of an award made under this article. A collateral source may not apply, in the name of a claimant or otherwise, for an award of compensation based upon injury to a claimant to […]