The director of the state department of health shall execute and administer the provisions of this article relating to the diagnosis, treatment and care of persons suffering from cancer. The director shall have authority to direct, control, govern and provide for the management of any state institution for the care and treatment of cancer patients […]
The director shall formulate and put into effect throughout the state an educational program for the purpose of preventing cancer and of aiding in its early diagnosis, and for the purpose of giving information to hospitals and cancer patients concerning the proper treatment. In furtherance of this program, the director may assist and cooperate with […]
(a) To the extent funds are available, the director of the division of health shall establish a cancer and tumor registry for the purpose of collecting information concerning the incidence of cancer and nonmalignant intracranial and central nervous system tumors. The information collected by the registry shall be analyzed to prepare reports and perform studies […]
The director shall have authority to prescribe standard minimum requirements for the organization, equipment and conduct of cancer units or clinics in general hospitals of the state. The director shall establish and maintain, or aid in the establishment and maintenance of, a sufficient number of cancer diagnostic and treatment clinics meeting such requirements, so located […]
The director shall furnish, within the limits of available funds, free tissue diagnostic service to all needy patients. In providing this service the director may use either the state- owned laboratory in the department of health, or privately owned laboratories approved by the department.
The board of health shall prescribe rules and regulations specifying to what extent and on what terms and conditions needy cancer patients may receive financial aid for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in any approved hospital in this state. The director is authorized to furnish aid, within the limits of available funds, to such […]