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Home » US Law » 2022 West Virginia Code » Chapter 18A. School Personnel » Article 4. Salaries, Wages and Other Benefits

§18A-4-2a. State Minimum Salary Bonus for Classroom Teachers With National Board Certification

(a) The Legislature finds and declares that the rigorous standards and processes for certification by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) helps to promote the quality of teaching and learning. Therefore, classroom teachers in the public schools of West Virginia should be encouraged to achieve national board certification through a reimbursement of expenses […]

§18A-4-2b. State Minimum Salary Supplement and Educational Expense Reimbursement for Professional Personnel With Recognized National Certification in Speech-Language Pathology, Audiology, Counseling, School Psychology or School Nursing

(a) (1) The Legislature finds that achieving a nationally recognized professional certification in speech-language pathology or audiology involves a rigorous process of demonstrating both knowledge and skills and results in highly trained and capable employees. Individuals who attain national professional certification by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association provide needed and essential services to the school students […]

§18A-4-3. State Minimum Annual Salary Increments for Principals and Assistant Principals

(a) In addition to any salary increments for principals and assistant principals, in effect on January 1, 2008, and paid from local funds, and in addition to the county schedule in effect for teachers, the county board shall pay each principal a principal's salary increment and each assistant principal an assistant principal's salary increment as […]

§18A-4-4. Minimum Salary Schedule for Teachers Having Specialized Training

The state Board of Education shall establish the minimum salary schedule for teachers where specialized training may be required for vocational, technical and adult education, and such other permits as may be authorized by said board. On and after July 1, 1985, any vocational industrial, technical, occupational home economics, or health occupations teacher who is […]

§18A-4-5. State Salary Supplement

(a) The Legislature recognizes its constitutional responsibility to provide for a thorough and efficient system of education. To carry out this responsibility the Legislature enacted, and continues to update, as necessary, the public school support program as set forth in §18-9A-1, et seq. of this code. The public school support program is a non-discriminatory funding […]

§18A-4-5a. County Salary Supplements for Teachers

(a) County boards of education in fixing the salaries of teachers shall use at least the state minimum salaries established under the provisions of this article. The board may establish salary schedules which shall be in excess of the state minimums fixed by this article, such county schedules to be uniform throughout the county as […]

§18A-4-5b. County Salary Supplements for School Service Personnel

The county board of education may establish salary schedules which shall be in excess of the state minimums fixed by this article. These county schedules shall be uniform throughout the county with regard to any training classification, experience, years of employment, responsibility, duties, pupil participation, pupil enrollment, size of buildings, operation of equipment or other […]

§18A-4-6. Change in Classification

Upon the change of the training classification of any teacher, his salary shall be made to comply with requirements of this article and of any county schedule, where such exist, based upon his new classification and allowable years of experience.

§18A-4-7. Substitute Teachers Pay

The pay of a substitute teacher shall not be less than eighty percent of the daily rate of the state basic salary paid to teachers: Provided, That any substitute teacher who teaches in excess of ten consecutive instructional days in the same position shall, thereafter, not be paid less than eighty percent of the daily […]

§18A-4-7a. Employment, Promotion, and Transfer of Professional Personnel; Qualifications

(a) A county board of education shall make decisions affecting the filling of vacancies in professional positions of employment on the basis of the applicant with the highest qualifications: Provided, That the county superintendent shall be hired under separate criteria pursuant to §18-4-2 of this code. (b) In judging qualifications for the filling of vacancies […]

§18A-4-7b. Calculation of Seniority for Professional Personnel

Notwithstanding any other provision of this code to the contrary, seniority for professional personnel as defined in section one, article one, chapter eighteen-a of this code shall be calculated pursuant to the provisions of section seven-a of this article as well as the following: Provided, That any recalculation of seniority of a professional personnel employee […]

§18A-4-7c. Summer Employment of Professional Educators

A county board shall hire professional educators for positions in summer school programs in accordance with section thirty-nine, article five, chapter eighteen of this code or section seven-a of this article, as applicable, except that a professional educator who is regularly employed by the county board on a full-time basis shall be given employment preference […]

§18A-4-8. Employment Term and Class Titles of Service Personnel; Definitions

(a) The purpose of this section is to establish an employment term and class titles for service personnel. The employment term for service personnel may not be less than 10 months. A month is defined as 20 employment days. The county board may contract with all or part of these service personnel for a longer […]

§18A-4-8a. Service Personnel Minimum Monthly Salaries

(a) Effective July 1, 2022, the minimum monthly pay for each service employee shall be as follows: (1) For school year 2022-2023, and continuing thereafter, the minimum monthly pay for each service employee whose employment is for a period of more than three and one-half hours a day shall be at least the amounts indicated […]

§18A-4-8b. Seniority Rights for School Service Personnel

(a) A county board shall make decisions affecting promotions and the filling of any service personnel positions of employment or jobs occurring throughout the school year that are to be performed by service personnel as provided in section eight of this article, on the basis of seniority, qualifications and evaluation of past service. (b) Qualifications […]

§18A-4-8c. Seniority Rights for Personnel Employed by Multicounty Vocational Centers

Professional and service personnel employed by a multicounty vocational center shall establish seniority on the basis of the length of time the employee has been employed by the multicounty vocational center, except that any professional or service personnel whose employment with the multicounty vocational center was immediately preceded by employment with one of the county […]

§18A-4-8f. Seniority Rights, School Consolidation

(a) Notwithstanding any provision of this article to the contrary, when a majority of the classroom teachers or school service personnel, who vote to do so, in accordance with procedures established in this section, and who are employed by a county board, the board shall give priority to classroom teachers or school service personnel in […]