The demonstration community packing house, heretofore created and established at Inwood, in Berkeley county, West Virginia, shall continue to be operated under the direction and supervision of the cooperative extension service of the college of agriculture of the West Virginia University, for the purpose of demonstrating the most approved methods of picking, sorting, packing, warehousing […]
The demonstration community poultry and egg packing plant, heretofore created and established at Parkersburg, in Wood county, West Virginia, shall continue to be operated under the direction and supervision of the cooperative extension service of the college of agriculture of the West Virginia University, for the purpose of demonstrating the most approved methods of marketing, […]
The demonstration garden products plant, the establishment of which was heretofore authorized by law, shall be continued for the purpose of teaching any citizen of West Virginia, by the demonstration method, how vegetables, berries, fruits or other garden products may be sorted, graded, processed or marketed under methods conforming to consumer demands and economically profitable […]
It shall be the duty of the state commissioner of public institutions to provide necessary buildings and equipment for suitably conducting each of the demonstration plants mentioned in this article.