It is declared to be the public policy of the State of West Virginia that the wildlife resources of this state shall be protected for the use and enjoyment of all the citizens of this state. All species of wildlife shall be maintained for values which may be either intrinsic or ecological or of benefit […]
It shall be unlawful and shall constitute a misdemeanor offense for any person to destroy, tear down, shoot at, deface or erase any printed matter or signs placed or posted by or under the authority of this chapter: Provided, however, That this section shall not apply to the owner, his agents, tenants or lessees, of […]
(a) A person, except those legally licensed to operate private game preserves for the purpose of propagating game for commercial purposes and those legally licensed to propagate or sell fish, amphibians and other forms of aquatic life, may not purchase or offer to purchase, sell or offer to sell, trade or offer to trade, barter […]
(a) A person may not transport or have in his or her possession with the intention of transporting beyond the limits of the state any species of wildlife or any part thereof killed, taken, captured or caught within this state, except as provided in this section. (1) A person legally entitled to hunt and fish […]
No person shall transport into or have in his possession within this state any live wildlife or viable eggs thereof from without the state, except as authorized by an importation permit issued by the director: Provided, That the director shall not be authorized to issue a permit to any person to transport into this state […]
No person shall propagate wildlife for commercial purposes except when licensed to do so as provided in section forty-seven of this article.
(a) Whenever it is found that deer or other wildlife are causing damage to cultivated crops, fruit trees, commercial nurseries, homeowners' trees, shrubbery or vegetable gardens, the owner or lessee of the lands on which damage is done may report the finding to the natural resources police officer or biologist of the county in which […]
Except as provided in 20-2-5j of this code, no person may permit or use his or her dog to hunt or chase deer. A natural resources police officer shall take into possession any dog known to have unlawfully hunted or chased deer. If the owner of the dog can be determined, the dog shall be […]
No person shall hunt, capture, trap, take or kill fur-bearing animals except as authorized by regulation of the director. Except as authorized by the director, no person shall have in his possession the fresh skin, or part thereof, of any fur-bearing animal, except beaver, within the period beginning ten days after the end of the […]
The director shall have the power and authority to regulate the number, kind and type of traps to be used in the catching or trapping of any game or fur-bearing animals.
All traps used for taking game or fur-bearing animals shall be marked with a durable plate or tag, attached to the snare, trap, or trap chain, bearing either the name and address of the owner of the trap or the Division of Natural Resources identification number of the owner of the trap.
The chief of the division of wildlife resources shall be primarily responsible for the execution and administration of the provisions of this article as an integral part of the natural resources program of the state as defined and constituted in this chapter. He shall organize the division and select competent and qualified personnel therefor so […]
When no specific punishment or penalty is otherwise provided for violations of the provisions of this article, any person violating any provision hereof shall be guilty of a misdemeanor offense, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to the punishment and penalties prescribed in section nine, article seven of this chapter.
A person may not have in his possession an untagged beaver hide, or part thereof, within the period beginning thirty days after the end of the open season and ending with the first day of the next succeeding open season for beavers.
Each trapper shall electronically register each beaver and otter, or each pelt, to a game checking station or representative of the division within thirty days after the close of a legal season. A game tag number shall be issued to the person and recorded in writing with the person’s name and address, or on a […]
(a) Each person killing a bear, deer, wild boar or wild turkey found in a wild state shall either attach a completed field tag to the animal or remain with the animal and have upon his or her person a completed field tag before removing the carcass in any manner from where it was killed. […]
(a) A person may not hunt, capture, or kill any bear, or have in his or her possession any bear or bear parts, except during the hunting season for bear in the manner designated by rule or law. For the purposes of this section, bear parts include, but are not limited to, the pelt, gallbladder, […]
(a) Services of outfitters and guides for the benefit and convenience of hunters, fishermen and others in this state are recognized as essential, and such outfitters and guides may be licensed and authorized to serve as provided in this article. The director is hereby authorized to promulgate rules and regulations on services of outfitters and […]
(a) There is hereby created a whitewater commission within the Division of Natural Resources. The commission shall consist of the director of the Division of Natural Resources or his or her designee; the director of the Division of Parks and Tourism or his or her designee; three representatives of private river users who have no […]
There is hereby created in the State Treasury a special revenue account, which shall be an appropriated, interest-bearing account, designated as the whitewater study and improvement fund. All proceeds from this fund shall be used exclusively for the purposes of the administration, regulation, promotion and study of the whitewater industry. The special study and assessment […]