The commissioner of the Bureau of Employment Programs is hereby authorized and empowered to negotiate for, secure and adopt for the regular employees thereof (other than provisional, temporary, emergency, and intermittent employees) who are in employee status with the Bureau of Employment Programs on and after effective date of this article, a policy or policies […]
The group insurance plans so authorized to be established shall be subject to the following terms and conditions: The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to accept on behalf of the regular employees of the Bureau of Employment Programs, who in writing agree to participate in any plan of group insurance, granted funds provided by […]
The provisions and terms of any such group plan or plans of insurance shall comply in all respects with the conditions and requirements of the United States department of labor, bureau of employment security, and shall be approved in writing by the Insurance Commissioner of the State of West Virginia as to form, rate and […]
(a) Whenever the above-described regular employees shall indicate in writing that they have subscribed to any of the aforesaid insurance plans on a group basis, the commissioner of the Bureau of Employment Programs is hereby authorized and empowered to approve periodic premium deductions from the salary payments due such employees as specified in a written […]
The State Treasurer shall be custodian of the funds under the aforesaid group insurance plans, and disbursements from the funds to pay all premiums shall be made only upon warrants signed by the State Auditor and the State Treasurer.