As used in this article, unless the context requires a different meaning: “Affected unit” means a specific plant, department, shift, or other definable unit of an employing unit that has at least two employees to which an approved short-time compensation plan applies. “Commissioner” means the Workforce West Virginia Commissioner, formerly known as the Bureau of […]
(a) The commissioner shall establish and implement a short-time compensation program by July 1, 2023. The program shall meet the requirements of 26 U.S.C. 3306(v) and all other applicable federal and state laws. (b) An employer that wishes to participate in the program shall submit to the commissioner a signed, written work sharing plan for […]
The commissioner shall approve or disapprove a work sharing plan in writing within 10 business days of its receipt and promptly communicate the decision to the employer. A decision disapproving the plan shall clearly identify the reasons for the disapproval. If a plan is disapproved, the employer may submit a different work sharing plan for […]
(a) A work sharing plan shall be effective on the date that is mutually agreed upon by the employer and the commissioner, which shall be specified in the notice of approval to the employer. The plan shall expire on the date specified in the notice of approval, which shall be either the date at the […]
(a) An employee is eligible to receive short-time compensation under a work sharing plan with respect to any week only if the employee is monetarily eligible for unemployment benefits, not otherwise disqualified for unemployment benefits, and: (1) During the week, the employee is employed as a member of an affected unit under an approved work […]
(a) The short-time compensation weekly benefit amount shall be the product of the regular weekly unemployment compensation amount for a week of total unemployment multiplied by the percentage of reduction in the individuals usual weekly hours of work. (b) An individual may be eligible for short-time compensation or unemployment benefits, as appropriate: Provided, That no […]
Workforce West Virginia shall promulgate and propose rules under 29A-3-1 et seq. of this code for implementing this article.